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Saturday, January 20, 2007
hey hey hey!!
omg its been a lonng time anyways im just passing by to say hi!!so what up wit ever1?well my NEW year its going great well g2g laterz(working on scince project)
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Friday, November 17, 2006
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!very werid!lol<3 just posting watever i have in mind!l8erz
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Sunday, July 16, 2006
heii ppls wat up!!wow anime nite was soo good and the naruto marathon as well can foret about that!!i can't believe dat toonami are gonna put more anime yay!!oh yea thank u all for the comment from friday!my lil sis lost her first tooth luckly she didn't cry lol well me no wanna bord u all so i'll leave and comment!!
avi's i found:  
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Thursday, July 13, 2006
heii everyone srri for not updating or commenting for the past i don't kno how many weeks.super srri its been raining and thundering down over here so yea.....hows everyone?im good!oh yea i changed my theme and my music......mmmmm i got nm else to say!oh yea i do i been cleaning during those raining and thundering dayz!lol i'll leave all of u!untill nxt time k!have a good one today!^-^
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Wednesday, June 21, 2006
heii ppls how are all of u?well im doing great!^-^ srri for not posting or commenting ^.^;oh yea before i forget thank you all for commenting in my last post!nm going im talking to my friend and helping her wit sum html!oh yea i changed my theme to gundam seed!!i love that show oh yea if u want to hear the music just click the play button to the box thingy u see up *points*well i g2g hope u all like my theme!
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Saturday, June 17, 2006
heii everyone thank you for the commnemts from my last post!i feel so bad for not posting or commenting in everyones post im so srri my 6 days i haven't been on i was so super duper busy and plus my doggie was sick so yea thatsis y i haven't been on plus my mom and dad was all mad and pissed off so i couldn't use the comp....well enough of that yay todays anime im happy super happy lol!iguess i should leave before i get in trouble wit my parents!!l8erz everyone!
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Sunday, June 11, 2006
hello everyone!!!thank you for all ur comments from friday!!well nm going really im totally bored and w.e!!i changed my theme to kisa and hiro*i didn't find a good bg of hiro and kisa*hope u all still like my theme pls watch the video if u get the chance thank you all!!
pls forgive for not comment on anyone itz cuz i been cleaning and do all lot of stuff since the beginning of my sumer vacation lol!well i'll be going now and not bored anyone well l8erz everyone!!
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Friday, June 9, 2006
heii everyone!!well thank you for the comments u all left me!!oh yea to answer all of ur curiousity of wat the movie name its storm of the century by stephen king!
well yea hows everyones summer?mines is going smoothly!im soooooooooo super duper srri for not commenting or posting for the past two days i have been watching an anime wit my oldest sis so yea!!ryt now im talking to my friend that haven't talken to for the longest *actually it feels like an yr or so lol!*well im going me very tired *yawn*well hope u have an good friday!
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Tuesday, June 6, 2006
heii everyone!!glad u all like the new theme the ppls that commented!well nm going on!!i hate the summer itz so freaking *  * yea and my older sis saw this mvoie while i was sleeping and the movie was like 3hrs and sumthing minsshe told me!!i was like wat datssome loong @$$ movie!!lol!!well i'll leave u all k!
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Monday, June 5, 2006
hello everyone!!how are u all? super sorry for not posting yestreday cuz it was raining and thunder so my mom didn't let me!!i change my theme again lol hope u all like it i tried to keep simple and yea lol!i guess i'll comment since i didn't yestreday!k so yea i made this post short heres a pic:
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