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Wednesday, June 9, 2004

I went to a bon voyage party for one of my friends that i met this school year. I was the only girl that stayed the whole time but it was cool, considering there were two guys that want to go out with me there. When I arrived I saw Keith pull up and I was oh lord I'm not gonna handle this if he stays. (Read last post to find out why.) He tried to talk to me and I pretty much snubbed him. He was only dropping off his little brother Steven. Steven is just like Keith so I tried to avoid conversations with him. Afriad what he might have brought up. We played card games and ate a bunch of food. I enjoyed myself and left after 9. On my way out Steven asked me if I drove and I said yes and walked out. I'm thinking he wanted a ride home. Oh well I wouldn't been able to handle that, hope he made it home lol.

My blonde moment of the Day: I went to boreder's and I was browsing and I found the anime. I was like wow border's sell anime? Man I felt like a dope.

Monday I went to school for half a day. Then, Molly, HollyAnn, and I went to the mall to see Shrek 2 and Harry Potter. My favorite part of the movie on Shrek was when they created Mongo. (hehehe they took that from blazing saddles!! The best a$$-kicking movie) My fave character from shrek was Puss and Boots. The voice does the damage to me, the hot sexy voice, does the character good. LOL. Harry Potter was also pretty good. The only character I really think they got down was the dementors. They're exactly how I'd picture them. The warewolf, on the other hand, looked like an alien on steroids. It didn't turn out to well. Other than that It was ok.

I got my first No Tap 300 in bowling!!!! No Tap means if you bowl your first time a 9, you get a strike. Half of them were regular strikes. I'm so proud considering I had a temperature of 102 that day.

This might be my last post until the 20th. We're going on vaction on the 11th and will be gone til the 20th. We're gonna go to a place called Mulberry Fl. Its like in between to Orlando and Tampa Bay. HollyAnn is coming with me. I this vaction goes well.

Oh Do you like my site? I've been experimenting.

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Friday, June 4, 2004

   Ok guys here's your one shot for told you so's.
Ok you know how I said Keith is an great guy and I'm giving him a second chance? Well I did and I was led around and tossed aside. I found out he has a new girl today.

Yea it hurts but I think in my gut I already knew this was gonna happen.(Yes I know, I should have listened to my friends! They always have a six sense about these things.) I'm just gonna move on and think ahead to vaction and bowling.

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Sunday, May 30, 2004

   A lot has happened
Ok.. Ok.. Like I said, I was gonna talk to Keith, and I did. After I learned a very few interesting things about him. And he didn't do anything with Elizabeth!! I was shocked. Well Thursday, we went bowling together and also played pool. It was fun and I didn't want it to be over so I invited him over to have dinner with me and my family. I won him over by telling him we were having hotdogs and sloppy Joes. What guy could resist that? When he meets my parents he give Terry and Mom good impressions. When we had our fun in the basement away from my parents, he respected my wishes to not get to advanced. :) He stayed til almost 9:30pm and went home. I mean that day was awesome.

Friday, nothing much happened except all the seniors left :( O well next year will be seniors and then we'll have tearful goodbyes.

Saturday, the family tried to go on a family fishing trip. Well it didnt go to well. For one we started late and got to beach fork and our fishing spot was taken. Then Terry needed his alergy shots because he forgot to take them. So we ran home and then we went back and found a lousey spot and mom was the only one that caught a fish. Mom got heat stroke and I had a migrane til this morning. Some family outting..lol.

Today, Well I slept in late and Terry had me help him get lumber so he could work on my room. He's doing a good job and might get it done by the beginning of senior year of school. This room is gonna be awesome! Bigger room, bigger bed, I'm still stuck with a twin size bed, and I wont be right next to my parents room, if you know what I mean.
Around 6pm my step-cousins, Kelly and Becky, came into town. I couldnt believe how much older Terry's family is. Becky and Kelly are in their mid 30s. And they are my first cousins too. Wow I cant believe how close to adulthood I'm actually am.

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Wednesday, May 26, 2004

   Still smiles
There's still not much to say today, its just been a day lol. I think I'm going to do a quote of the day:

"If only we could stop murdering one another we could be a wonderfully humorous species."
- Arthur Miller

I got that quote from my English book before we turned them in. Who'd think that would be in there?

Question of the day: Since I'm a new anime fan, What anime would you recommend me or a friend to read or watch?

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Tuesday, May 25, 2004

   Its been a good day
earth goddess
Goddess of Earth. You are respectful to others and
stick up for plants and animals. You are most
comfortable in nature.

What element are you goddess of? **for girls** **with pictures**
brought to you by Quizilla

After post yesterday I went to stage works 2004 and it was awesome. A much needed laugh was also there supplied by Chico's directing Monty Python. I ran into a friends parents and they invited me to dinner before Molly could lol. So we had a hysterical conversation. It got late so I came home.

Today has been an ok day, but I still have a smile on my face :) . Hehe Keith has nobody now lol. He was dating Elizabeth, (mumbles under breath "the little liar".) LOL I love it, he's got nobody hehehehehehehe. I'm thinking about giving him one shot to explain things to me or I'm not gonna talk to him for the rest of school or summer. It will be a very lonely summer lol. Anyway Smiles all around!!

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Monday, May 24, 2004

   Not in the mood to update
Hey guys! This is gonna be short. Dad saw this site, Dad thinks I hate him, I emailed him to apologize for the strong words, he shoots me mom and my stepfather down and says a lot of terrible things, I email him to remind him I don't hate him and I'll write whatever I'd like in my journal, and Talked to my stepfather about it and he made me feel better. I'm still pretty down. Stubburn and closed mind discribe my father. At least I stepped up and apologized for the strong words even tho this is my journal. Nothing is ever his fault.

I had a good day til I came online this evening. I'm gonna move on. I hope next post will have a smile.

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Sunday, May 23, 2004

omg I really dislike my dna father. He's a narc. Ok I was up late last night and he emails mom about it. Hey its 82 days until I'm 17, I'm almost an adult I should be able to do what I want. Why should he act like a father when he cant even take care of his birds and himself? What tops its, he sends a soppositely funny email titled "excuses to avoid housecleaning". OMG thats SO pisses me off. I dont care if he did help me pay for the pepsi tournament that doesnt make it right between us. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Theres no excuse for him!!!
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Saturday, May 22, 2004

Today is onr of those days where you just want to stay in and do nothing. Its hot and sticky and I hate it. I rather have cooler weather. Humidity is so not my thing.

A positive note, I'm so proud of myself. I looked right through Keith. Its kinda hard and funny at the same time. I caught the look he gave me and it was so worth it too. I'm going to keep on looking through him and maybe he'll get the point that he really did hurt me and I'm not gonna be friends with him again just like that.

Happy 16th Birthday Alene!!!

I was talking to mom yesterday and I was like 83 days until I'm 17. And she told me to shut up. Hehehe She doesn't like the fact I'm growing up. But I love it. I think everyday I mature a little. Everyday I learn something new about myself. I'm more observant. Wow, its unbelievable next year I'm going to be a senior, and then there will be college.

Wow to much thought... now I'm overwelmed. LOL. Thanks in advance for comments!

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Thursday, May 20, 2004

What is Your Destiny?
by Valcion
DestinySavior of the human race
Date when you fufill your destinyJune 12, 2013
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

Just needed to do something other than writing a meaningless sad entry.

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Wednesday, May 19, 2004

   Something totally off the recent subject
I'm updating before school which is a first...
Last night after my last post, Terry, my stepfather, and I were talking. He never thinks I crack a book to study, boy he got nipped in the butt on that one. We started to talk about my microbiology class. And I named off at least 6 different bacteria and where they can be found. He was absolutely shocked. He knows I hate that class, and I work my ass off to keep the grades up in the class. Hey it is an honors class I have to work hard anyway. Hey I earned 5 bucks because I knew 2 more bacteria than he did lol. I love it when I prove him wrong lol.

Gotta go to school and get my edumaction lol... More later!

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