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Sunday, November 28, 2004

Hey guys I know its been a while since a real journal entry.... so here it is.

Church has been one of the most rewarding times in my life. With all the stress and the regret I've had, church has seemed the relieve it. I have come to grips that the Lord knows who I am to be with and I shouldn't go looking for him. I'm going to be myself and have faith the Lord will lead me to him. I can honsetly say there are a few people I wouldn't mind being better aquianted(sp) with. Daniel is the preacher's son... (yea I know, I need to be careful..) and he's extremely sweet. For example, today we had a guest speaker and had to go out to the youth room. The youth room is freezing this time of the year, so I wanted to be near the heater. Daniel gave up his seat and lent me his warm jacket. I thought that was sweet of him, it brightened my day. I truely feel ECC is my church. Time is running out more later :)

=^-^= Emmy Lou! (lol)

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Thursday, November 25, 2004

   Happy Turkey Day!! w random thoughts
Happy Thamksgiving....

Urgghhh I graduate in one semester....

Dad's and my fights....

Craving a boyfriend....

The car accident and me needing a new car.......


New fav anime... Wolf's Rain (any opinions on it?)

J.D. and Chippy.....

worried about me.....

To much stress.....

Need sleep.....

Good Night!!

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Sunday, October 24, 2004

   La La La
The best song ever is "Over and Over" By Nelly and Tim McGraw. Thats my opinion tho. lol.

Yesterday was a drag. I was overly picked on by my friends, but also I was very moody at the same time, so that might be a contributing factor I left the bowling alley in tears. Even tho I bowled a 200 game. I went skating with Brad and Louis and Adara. Louis and I talked about personal things that I cannot say here. But he made me feel better about myself and some of the troubles I've been facing. He is a true friend. I just he wont say or do anything about what I said. Its done and over. Louis was a booster though. I'm glad he's my friend, I wish him the best. Woody also said some sweet things to boost my confidence up too, last night. Woody your awesome too!!! Good luck to both of you and the relationships you are in.

Here is something that a friend sent to me that touched me:

"hi friend, ponder on this; Every night, someone thinks about you before they go to sleep. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way. The only reason someone would hate you is because they want to be just like you. There are at least 2 people in this world that would die for you. You mean the world to someone. Someone that you dont even know exists loves you. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it. When you think the world has turned its back on you , take a look again. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget the rude remarks.

Lots of merriment and joy...

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Wednesday, October 20, 2004

   I'm hurting, sinking, and dying inside
I feel like life is squeezing it's grip around my throat, and trying to make me suffer. Ok maybe its not as bad as I'm making it out to be but it feels like it. One of my friends that I've been head over heels is no longer single. It hurts, yes, and maybe I am a little jealous, but also he made it clear earlier that theres no way that will ever happened. So yeah.... Today hasn't been the best day.
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Sunday, October 17, 2004

   1:30 am Sunday morning
So much to report.... so little time.

On wednesday evening church, I got to talk a little more with Josh, he's a hard guy to figure out. I might have a tiny crush on him but I'm not trying to date him. One thing that does concern me is Chippy. He acts as an outsider so obviously he made himself and outsider. He makes horrible decisions and I'm worried about him. I mean I felt like an outsider for a while but now I feel like I'm a part of the group.

On Thursday its bowling night!! I invited several people to go so they can do the $4 for four hour deal and you bowl as much as you'd like. Well my stalker aka James aka a kid has this huge crush on me (when I mean huge I mean Alaska huge) he showed up. He's annoyingly sweet. Its that so sweet where you need air because its that thick. I told him nicely to lay off and I'm not blind and I know he has a crush on me but I only like him as a friend. But he didn't get the message. So I layed it on thick at the bowling alley. I got so ticked. Then one of my long lost bowling peeps showed up. His name is Aaron, he's 15 and goes to my rival school. He is an awesome bowler. He asked me to bowl with him and how could I refuse? When I go over to his lane we both become show off's to impress one an other. I honestly think he was in to me because he liked to be close to me when he nor I were bowling. ::sigh:: Through out the evening I bowled fairly well and even bowled a new high game of 225. It was a good evening!

Firday was a party day!!! We had a pep asembley for the big footbal game and the weirdest thing happened... Ok the drama students got to help get ready characters of a skit for asembley. I did the make-up for Heath's father. Heath has been I guy have liked for years. I just thought that was really weird. The drama club held a party and a tailgate for the big hhs and cmhs game. The drama club party was alright even though our president, mike, thought it was a bust. I mainly talked to Curtis the whole time. Curtis is my dear sweet unrelated brother, we adopted each other back in the 7th grade. I would trust my life with him. I felt bad that I kinda wandered from my friend Alene that I begged to come to the game and the party. I think tho, that the best part of Friday was getting to talk with Alene after the game. We walked in the freezing cold, talked of things that scared us, did circle at the river front and even hit the railroad tracks at fast speeds to have some thrills. Did I mention the freaky dog that we saw and closed the trunck to protect us if the dog was rabid. it was fun and hilarious. Alene and I need to hang out more often.

BTW we won the football game 19 to 3 and bringing home the shield and bragging rights for me and against my cmhs friends lol

Saturday- It was bowling league and I did absolutely horrible. I did so bad I got emotional. I was actually emotional the whole day. I felt that I didn't have friends that didn't want to spend time with me... and all that junk. It was just one of those days....

Present time.. I really need some zzzz's so i can get up for church and see Josh and the others... more later!


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Wednesday, October 13, 2004

   Yea...Yea.... Yeah... I know
I know I need to update more often, and yes I've been putting it off. I guess with all the mixed feelings I've been having I don't think I would have made much sense.

Homecoming was alright. I had a date and it was fun even though he left in the middle of it to go to a drinking party I absolutely refused to go to. So once he left I adopted a second date. Yes he was a freshman but still very sweet. I have pics of both dates.

Many many mixed feelings as of right now due to my father, a few of my friends, school, bowling, and a few guys I use to like. I'm so stressed lately. Well I guess senior life is like that right? but anywho I still plan to update soon.

Question of the moment: what is your biggest regret ever?

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Sunday, September 19, 2004

He likes to be by himself a lot, but don't let that scare you off. He has a very caring soul and he will always love you from the bottom of his heart! And if your friends start
He likes to be by himself a lot, but don't let that
scare you off. He has a very caring soul and he
will always love you from the bottom of his
heart! And if your friends start telling you
hes not your type, ignore them or laugh in
their faces. You are the key to unlock that
heart of his^^.

What kind of boyfriend would you have?(with pics and obviously for girls^^)
brought to you by Quizilla

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Wednesday, September 15, 2004

   I'm dateless for Homecoming and I could care less...
Yea, no date for homecoming but its ok. I can hang with friends and chill... I'll just have to find a random guy for the picture because I don't want to be in the picture by myself... Heck if any of my friends that are gals don't mind being in it, I wouldn't mind.

Life has been blah ever since labor day. Physics is about to kill me...

Church was interesting... Theres a kid named Josh there (yea I know way too many). I don't know if I'm imagining things or not, but he seemed very friendly to me today. I don't know if its a crush or what but who knows. He's 18, tall, and a hockey player. He was very nice to me. Loads of smiles and eye to eye contact. He's got red hair and lots of freckles that makes him adorable. Cough.. cough.

Moving on.

Drew lent me 4 movies, 2 action and 2 anime. Can I get an opinion on the 2 anime movies? The movies are; Tenchi The Movie: Tenchi Muyo In Love and Tenchi The Movie2: The Daughter of Darkness.

Are they any good?

Good luck for the rest of the week and have fun my friends.

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Sunday, September 12, 2004

Ugh.. its Sunday... which means I need to do homework and study for a quiz in physics..yuck!!! I asked the guy I wanted to go to homecoming with and it turns out he's not going. I've got 2 weeks to find a date. Its looking more and more like I'll be going alone. Oh well, heres a quiz to entertain you.

Take the quiz: "What dessert are you"

strawberry cheescake
You are strawberry cheescake! Out going and sweet. Humble yet darling.

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Saturday, September 11, 2004

You're a "Pink Angel". Now, just because
it may be a little bit of a feminin color
doesn't mean you're all girly and whiney.
You're very self-less and love to bring good
news to people because you like seeing people
happy. You have better manners than most and
people love how polite you can be. You're
friends love that they hardley ever get in
arguments with you and can barely get mad at
you! You're friends and family mean so much to
you and it takes more than a fight to break you
away from them.

What Color Angel Are You? (PICS)
brought to you by Quizilla

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