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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Wednesday, June 9, 2004

I went to a bon voyage party for one of my friends that i met this school year. I was the only girl that stayed the whole time but it was cool, considering there were two guys that want to go out with me there. When I arrived I saw Keith pull up and I was oh lord I'm not gonna handle this if he stays. (Read last post to find out why.) He tried to talk to me and I pretty much snubbed him. He was only dropping off his little brother Steven. Steven is just like Keith so I tried to avoid conversations with him. Afriad what he might have brought up. We played card games and ate a bunch of food. I enjoyed myself and left after 9. On my way out Steven asked me if I drove and I said yes and walked out. I'm thinking he wanted a ride home. Oh well I wouldn't been able to handle that, hope he made it home lol.

My blonde moment of the Day: I went to boreder's and I was browsing and I found the anime. I was like wow border's sell anime? Man I felt like a dope.

Monday I went to school for half a day. Then, Molly, HollyAnn, and I went to the mall to see Shrek 2 and Harry Potter. My favorite part of the movie on Shrek was when they created Mongo. (hehehe they took that from blazing saddles!! The best a$$-kicking movie) My fave character from shrek was Puss and Boots. The voice does the damage to me, the hot sexy voice, does the character good. LOL. Harry Potter was also pretty good. The only character I really think they got down was the dementors. They're exactly how I'd picture them. The warewolf, on the other hand, looked like an alien on steroids. It didn't turn out to well. Other than that It was ok.

I got my first No Tap 300 in bowling!!!! No Tap means if you bowl your first time a 9, you get a strike. Half of them were regular strikes. I'm so proud considering I had a temperature of 102 that day.

This might be my last post until the 20th. We're going on vaction on the 11th and will be gone til the 20th. We're gonna go to a place called Mulberry Fl. Its like in between to Orlando and Tampa Bay. HollyAnn is coming with me. I this vaction goes well.

Oh Do you like my site? I've been experimenting.

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