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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Monday, July 12, 2004

   Not Good, but Not Bad Either
David decides that we need to chill since he's suppositely he's grounded and not suppose to be dating me. This happened Wednesday when I went to his church. He told me he'd call me but the only time he called me was to make sure I got home alright. I don't know what the hell is going on with us, so I can't consider myself single or taken.

The people at David's church are really nice. They all were really warm to welcome me. I knew half of them from school. I'm gonna go back this coming wednesday for a few reasons, David, my friends that go there, and I need a little religion in my life. Who knows what's gonna happen.

Pretty much since last Wednesday, I've spent time with Brian. He's one of those friends where you feel relaxed, and makes all the clouds go away. Thank god for friends or I wouldn't make it in life.

The Pepsi Tournament is Next week. I leave Saturday to go to it, and the butterflies are already fluttering. Dad is gonna be there and I really wish someone else would be there instead of him. Before we go down though, mom and I need to talk to a magistrate to fix the divorce agreements so dad, if he get mad, can't use that against us at any point. Dont think he would but its better safe than sorry.

More is going on but I think I'm gonna keep it to myself until I figure it out.

Question of the Day: What is you favorite Day of the Week? Mines Saturday.

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