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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

   3 days until my birthday 9:00am
Well much has happened since my las update. Yesterday my wisdom teeth were cut out. Its not to bad, but I just can't smile because I'm so swollen. Today after 10am I'll be able to rise out my mouth with warm salt water which will help control the swelling. Its disgusting but it helps.

Last Saturday Molly and I hung out. We went to the pound and saw all the poor little animals. The cats were in better shape than the dogs, and I can see why some of those dogs were there, some were absolutely vicious. But there were some goregous cats, they were very sweet. I fell in love a bright orange and white kitten. I wish I could have taken her home. But my parents wouldn't let me :( We're taking a break from fluffy animals for a while. I did get 5 new betta females. So I'm up to 4 males and 6 females. Also on Saturday Molly and decide we want to go horseback riding for my birthday so we call all our friends to find where a good horseback place is. I call Chippy and it is so ackward between us. We talked for a short time then I was ushered off the phone. I guess he thought I called to see if he and I wanted to get back together. But I didn't think of it, and I'm kinda glad I didn't. It made me think twice about Chippy after that phone call. I'm gonna wait until school starts before I date anyone. its almost 2 weeks until it starts. I think I can last that long. LOL Molly and I ordered my ice cream cake from babskin Robins for my party friday. Hopefully I'm feeling well enough. I have to get the order fixed tho...

Well thats it for now... I need to rest, my head is spinning.

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