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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Saturday, August 14, 2004

   Yesterday was my b-day ^_^
Hiya all its time to catch up once again.

Lets start with the once loved subject: Chippy. Alright he called me back after my last update and we talked about everything. His girlfriend broke it off with him and he figured I still had a crush on him. So he asks if I want to see him... I was like are you wanting to get back with me and he said he might want to but he thinks we moved to fast before and he wants a second chance. I've talked to what seems like hundreds of friends and my own mother to get their opinions, and they all are the same, forget him and move on. And I am believing that is the best thing to do. Because deep down I know he is just in it sexually and that is all. So I'm moving on with no regrets.

The tease I hinted about several posts ago, I've decided I should reveal. Whew... here I go. Ok How bad is it when you have a serious crush on someone that already has a finacee and he's madly in love with her, plus what gets me he's from my church. That has to be a huge sin or something. I mean I feel SO guilty when I go to church. Ok I spat it out now to move onto next subject.

Church... I went to church and of course Chippy ignores me.. no biggie.. Everyone was friendly like normal and yet I feel like an outsider. At the end of church Bubba decides to do pohne tag and call my cell about 50 times, then had Drew (thats the one I have this huge crush on but is taken) call my cell. And now I have his number... which my be a BIG mistake. And I said I'll be there next Wednesday.. I guess I will be.

My b-day was yesterday. It was great. Molly and I went shopping all day long. Then raced at the end to get dinner home on time and get to the party on time as well. It was hilarious. My party was awesome, even though I invited 15 only 5 showed which was ok it was still fun. He had just enough cake and for once there were equal amount of boys and girls for once including me. Chico, Molly, Louis, JD and James showed. We all had a blast and Chico did her Johnny Depp personality which got her a strike lol. After the party Louis and James and Molly and I did 2 games boys against girls... girls dominated!! It was a quarter til 11 when we finally left the bowling alley. Louis came over and met the family as did Molly. We all ate a VERY late dinner and chit chatted. I took Molly and home 15mins til midnight. I expected Louis to be gone by then but when I got back he was still there. He didnt leave until 12:30 when Terry practically kicked him out. But he took to him, which was a good thing. :) It was a very great 17th Birthday.

Today: (Whew it took forever to get to today lol) I volunteered a couple of hours for the Key Club. It was suppose to be a car wash and a bake sale but when I left it was a little shakey. And in like 3 mins I'm going to Sara Evans concert, which is a b-day gift. Until later...

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