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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Tuesday, September 7, 2004

   My rant for the day
I don't understand why people have sex, if they don't love each other. Obvisously there is some kind of attraction and affection. I mean come on, if you are going to do a deed like that, there'd be some other reason other than just to feel good. If I were to have sex I'd have love for the guy that I was having sex with. I know what I want, but most guys, with an exception of a few (a few on myo), they never show emotion or affection on the matter. They always brag to their friends like its a huge success when they "score". Its degrading to us girls. Its alright for a guy to brag about it, but if a girl brags she's labeled as a whore or hoe. Argg guys are so aggravating at times! >_<

Don't ask why I had that rant.. I heard things from school today and I had to say something. ::deep breath:: I'm alright. I'm going to go and do physics homework.. see ya!

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