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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Thursday, September 9, 2004

   I am to remain silent.....
Last night I was doing my physic's homework at my friends house. We worked on that bloody homework 4pm to 11pm nonstop. I got in trouble for being out past cerwfew. My parents think I didn't work effiencently, but I did. I am so pissed at my parents I'm not talking to them. They shall not get any words from me.
Today I have to state: Drew you are the absolutely the best friend I could ask for. YOu've put up with my dilemmas and been very uderstanding and supportive. ::online hug:: ^_^ An online hug to Alene and Molly as well, both has been a great friends and I'd trust with my life. If you guys ever need anything let me know!!
Ok now that I got the sappy stuff out its time to go do homework. Buh..Bye!

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