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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

   Yea...Yea.... Yeah... I know
I know I need to update more often, and yes I've been putting it off. I guess with all the mixed feelings I've been having I don't think I would have made much sense.

Homecoming was alright. I had a date and it was fun even though he left in the middle of it to go to a drinking party I absolutely refused to go to. So once he left I adopted a second date. Yes he was a freshman but still very sweet. I have pics of both dates.

Many many mixed feelings as of right now due to my father, a few of my friends, school, bowling, and a few guys I use to like. I'm so stressed lately. Well I guess senior life is like that right? but anywho I still plan to update soon.

Question of the moment: what is your biggest regret ever?

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