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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Sunday, October 17, 2004

   1:30 am Sunday morning
So much to report.... so little time.

On wednesday evening church, I got to talk a little more with Josh, he's a hard guy to figure out. I might have a tiny crush on him but I'm not trying to date him. One thing that does concern me is Chippy. He acts as an outsider so obviously he made himself and outsider. He makes horrible decisions and I'm worried about him. I mean I felt like an outsider for a while but now I feel like I'm a part of the group.

On Thursday its bowling night!! I invited several people to go so they can do the $4 for four hour deal and you bowl as much as you'd like. Well my stalker aka James aka a kid has this huge crush on me (when I mean huge I mean Alaska huge) he showed up. He's annoyingly sweet. Its that so sweet where you need air because its that thick. I told him nicely to lay off and I'm not blind and I know he has a crush on me but I only like him as a friend. But he didn't get the message. So I layed it on thick at the bowling alley. I got so ticked. Then one of my long lost bowling peeps showed up. His name is Aaron, he's 15 and goes to my rival school. He is an awesome bowler. He asked me to bowl with him and how could I refuse? When I go over to his lane we both become show off's to impress one an other. I honestly think he was in to me because he liked to be close to me when he nor I were bowling. ::sigh:: Through out the evening I bowled fairly well and even bowled a new high game of 225. It was a good evening!

Firday was a party day!!! We had a pep asembley for the big footbal game and the weirdest thing happened... Ok the drama students got to help get ready characters of a skit for asembley. I did the make-up for Heath's father. Heath has been I guy have liked for years. I just thought that was really weird. The drama club held a party and a tailgate for the big hhs and cmhs game. The drama club party was alright even though our president, mike, thought it was a bust. I mainly talked to Curtis the whole time. Curtis is my dear sweet unrelated brother, we adopted each other back in the 7th grade. I would trust my life with him. I felt bad that I kinda wandered from my friend Alene that I begged to come to the game and the party. I think tho, that the best part of Friday was getting to talk with Alene after the game. We walked in the freezing cold, talked of things that scared us, did circle at the river front and even hit the railroad tracks at fast speeds to have some thrills. Did I mention the freaky dog that we saw and closed the trunck to protect us if the dog was rabid. it was fun and hilarious. Alene and I need to hang out more often.

BTW we won the football game 19 to 3 and bringing home the shield and bragging rights for me and against my cmhs friends lol

Saturday- It was bowling league and I did absolutely horrible. I did so bad I got emotional. I was actually emotional the whole day. I felt that I didn't have friends that didn't want to spend time with me... and all that junk. It was just one of those days....

Present time.. I really need some zzzz's so i can get up for church and see Josh and the others... more later!


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