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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

   Its been a really long time
Well where to begin, omg the last time i updated was the whole keith thing... well thats over with. Don't ever let me say anything about him again k? If I mention him you all can send me a computer virus or something.

I went to the state tournament and did absolutely horrible. I placed 37 out of 69. yuck! You wouldn't believe that i was state champion last year. lol

Well mom and I did bonding... I was really upset because my family is shit. I told that to her. I have a verbally abusive step father that drinks every night and mom protects and defends him. I'm tired of his bull shit, and I was telling her that when I changed the subject to me. I slipped and told her I'm not a virgin. She was in shock, like every mother would be. It was obvious I did a good job hiding it because mom had no idea, aparently Terry didnt know either. We decided not to tell terry or dad. They would flip. We also agreed that I should go to the clinic and get checked out and go on the pill. Well at least I'm not a goodie goodie like everyone thought anymore. I was so sick of that!!!

Well Woody and I, argggggggggg, were digging each other even though he's taken. He has a girlfriend and I am staying away from him now. Earlier he wanted to "hang out" and I responded "we can't" and he asked "why not?" I was like "Can you control yourself when you are around me? I know I can't when I'm around you" and he answered "no." Its been really weird since then. But oh well.

If a guy pokes, tickles, throws paper wades at you, gropes, and hugs you, you'd think he'd be wanting something or may be he's back in middle school trying to grab your attention. Mom thinks Mason (the guy that is doing this to me) likes me. Mason is very hot, he works out, but isnt as built as keith (thank God!). Molly is ok with him and thats a big test. He has my number but I think he's to shy to call me that or lazy. Who knows where this will go.

James is digging Molly am I jealous? I have no clue. J.D. still likes me I think... But am I girl that likes all this attention from the guys? I mean I never had any until this past year and a half. Does that make me shallow if I am jealous of Molly?

My bowling alley looks like its gonna close soon. Its totally closed on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I don't even want to think where I'd go if they close.

I finally made Who's Who!! About DAMN time lol.

Prom... I don't think I want to go. Theres nobody I want to go with. I'm not in a prom mood, hopefully that mood will change.

My grandfather died friday march 18th. I and I think Becky were the only ones truely effected. Everyone laughed at the viewing. No one took anything seriously. I was crushed, I still miss him. may his soul rest in peace!

Graduation is in a few months. I'm worried.. everyone in my family is coming, prepare for hell. It might be the last day because the end of the world might take place that day. Only God knows whats going to happen.

I think thats it..
Until next time!
much love!

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