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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Monday, April 4, 2005

   Its been a veeeeeerrrrrrrrryyyyyy good day!
Its a too nice of a day to stay online and play games so I am goimg to try to make this short.

I did call back Mason and we talked even longer than the first time, that early sunday morning (3 am) I almost fell asleep while talking to him... well I use to be a night owl lol.

I fell asleep around 4:30 that morning and slept til 11:30am and was late to my friend Molly's house. I was suppose to be there at 11:30 lol, but got there at 12:30. She forgave me lol. We went to the mall and I finally got a new CD player. I needed a new one desperately! I also got my first 3 mangas... yea I know, pitiful. I got the Wolf Rain series (2) and the first book of Confidental Confessions. I've already sped through the first book of Wolf rain. I like it, even one of my best friends is barrowing it, and I haven't even had it for one full day.

I thought I might have scared Mason away with some of the things I said about myself. I pretty much expected him to pretend I wasn't there anymore, and not notice me. Well aparently I was wrong. He was still the same to me. He still came and sat next to me in 3rd mod and talked to me. He still poked me and flicked a rubber band at me, and hugged me good-bye when he went to catch his bus. Do you think he's in to me?
Much love !!!

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