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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Friday, May 27, 2005

   OMG I've got news and news and news
Terry is being an asshole as usual and mom hears my complaints. One of these days I'm moving her out of here. She nor I deserve to be treated like this, like dirt. That or I'll be wanted for murder if he drives me over the edge, I'm so tired of his crap arg!!! He says I'm spoiled, he yells and screams when he doesn't get what he wants. The Cry Baby GET OVER YOURSELF!!!!

I have a new car yay!! Its a 2002 White Saturn Sedan. If you want a hybrid car but don't have the money for it get a saturn vehicle because they get very good gas mileage, except the Saturn Relay (van) and the Saturn Vue (SUV). They get terrible gas mileage because they are huge cars. Who seriously needs a large car. Station Wagons are the best.

About 3 weeks ago I got a baby ball python. She's now 9 weeks old and her name is Sheeba. Now if she'll only eat.

I'm sure you all are wondering what has happened between Mason and I. LOL Well, I asked him to Prom. He went and we both had a really good time. But had an even better time at after-Prom. We watched movies all night in each others arms. It was really sweet. Then he kissed me. ::sigh:: And now we've became inseparable. He's done almost everything with me, even church! We started dating officially 5-25-05. He's SO great! We've talked everyday. The night after church, we went to taco bell. I was eating slowly and he kept staring at me, I was like stop staring at me I don't like being watched while I eat. He said "well I'm looking at the wall, your just in the way." I was like "that wasn't very nice." He responded "yea it was, it was either that or say the really corny thing." lol Which was going to be something like I'm staring at your beauty. God, he's great.

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