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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Thursday, June 2, 2005

   I've come to a conclusion....
I DON'T CARE WHAT FRIENDS THINK ABOUT MASON AND I! The only things that matter are his happiness and my happiness. I'm dating Mason and not everyone else. I'm sorry to my friends, but this one time I do not care if you like the fact mason and I are together, I'm thinking of myself for once. The one person I want to please is my boyfriend. He means the world to me and no one can tell me otherwise.

I gotta say this: Kayliegh, (however your effing name is spelled) eff you and your damn looks you give me.

Ok now that the stuff that was bothering me is out, time for the ranting lesser important stuff in exception to anything Mason. He's one of the most important thing in my life. ::sigh::

Yea, I went back to HHS once again and volunteered to watch little kids for 5+ hours for special olympics. Its a great cause but I absolutely hate the fact the sun was out blaring. I'm as pale as a ghost and I burn very easily so I used $8 50spf sunscreen. AND I still get burned. I put that stuff on 2 times in the span of the 5 hours. What!?, do I have to put it on every hour??????? I need to find a cave and live there for the rest of my life. You think Mason would go for it, if I sweet talk him into it? Actually, there was a cool cave house on one of those channels mom watches. The house never warms up past 65 degrees and nevr falls below 50 degrees. As someone would say, perfect hoodie weather.

But anyway I'm off subject lol, what was I talking about? Oh wait pale skin and burning. Damn I think I'm gonna peel.

Mason went to church with me again! I'm so impressed with him, he's really in to me. (Wow I need to stop saying that, I sound like a broken help record) We had the church game, and Mason won $5. I won $10, but I think I won more than money tonight. Some how I think we grew 10x closer tonight... maybe thats just me.

Yea I get home after another absoultely, wonderfully, awesome night with Mason (forget english in the first part of that sentence lol), but what night isn't when I'm with him (giggle), I get online and Dad IMs me. He asked for Mom to call him and doesn't tell me diddly. I know its about my grad. gift. I'm not that big of an airhead! I'm sorry, Dad asking permission from Mom is weird. Whatever happened to the I don't give a d*mn what the other parent thinks? Maybe its the old age... yeah I know cruel. I still love em'.

I wish Sheeba, my baby ball python, would eat someting. Its been a month she hasn't eaten.

I pray for you Will!! I know deep down you'll be ok and be back bowling with me and the league in the fall.

Graduation practice tomorrow at 1pm (well today) and the "dreaded" dentist is at 4pm. I hope I can make it. Molly thinks its gonna last FOREVER! I hope not, I need more time to clean and prep before Mason comes over.

And now we find me here typing instead of cleaning for Masons visit. Well at least the bed looks neat, thats what we're sitting on to watch Fight Club.

I'm going... goodnight, peace, huggles, kissers, love, and the rest of the sappy stuff.

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