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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Friday, June 3, 2005

   My evening (6-2-05)
This evening went by all to fast. Mason came over around 6:15pm and had dinner. We then came down to my room and watched Fight Club. I enjoyed it.

God ol' mighty, Mason rocks my world. He's the best guy that has ever been in my life. He makes me feel like he really wants me. I think the feeling is mutual, when I'm around him, I can't keep my hands off him. Mason makes me feel beautiful. I know I don't say it enough but he is the hottest guy in the world. If someone asked me which celeb. is the hottest, I would say my boyfriend, Mason. In my mind he is my celeb. I'm going to be greedy just for a min ~~~~> Mason is mine, all mine!!!!!!!

Ok, To shorten the entry, Mason and I had a VERY good time together, and we're planning to see each other tomorrow and see another movie. ::sigh:: I can't get enough of him!!!

Other things happened today, I went to the dentist and graduation practice. Both were blah compared to the time I spent with Mason. :)

Sweet Dreams!

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