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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Friday, June 3, 2005

   Well I did have a good day, and the isnt even over yet
I woke up at one today and found several chores I had to do before I could do anything. I did them all at warp speed. Then took a shower, I think a washed my hair three times lol. Then went to get balloons for Will. The lady there took forever!!! I wanted to get the balloons to Will before I went to get Mason from school.

I delievered the balloons and then Mason and I got to the movies like 5 mins late. It just hasn't been my day. The only good time I had today was with Mason.

I know this is probably weird to say this early in a relationship, but I wish I was living with him. It really would be great to wake up next to him. I feel like nothing bad can happen when I'm in his arms. I wish I was with him now, instead of waiting for my dad to call. He just called so I gotta go.


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