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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Thursday, June 9, 2005

   So much to update.......
I think the last time I updated I had to go and meet my dad and grandfather at their hotel so we could go out and eat. It didn't go well. Dad made me feel guilty about my choice not to see him for 2 years in Florida. Its not my fault he's a slob and doesn't realize how it hurts me to live like that. I can't stand a dirty room let alone an apartment. But I really don't want to relive that past by talking about it so moving on....

On Saturday June 4th: I GRADUATED!! All family that could attend did attend. Mason, Jake and his family, JD, and James also attended. The ceremony was really long, like 2 and a half hours long. During that time, I must have looked at Mason a total of 100 times. It means a lot when he sat through the whole thing w/o falling asleep. He aslo looked fine. He was dressed up. :) That same day, JD and James took my family from miami to Rio Grande, a mexican resturaunt. It went a little smoother than the day before. JD, James and I went mini golfing. JD won by 4 shots and I got burnt (so whats new). I then get to spend time with MY Mason. I went to his cousin Ray's graduation party. Everyone was so kind to me, which was a nice change from my family. The best thing was Mason, and thats what my previous poem was for.

Sunday was a recooperation day. VERY tired from everyone and events. Saw my Dad and grandfather off at the airport. Then relaxed and watch TV all day in PJ's.

Monday Molly, JD and I hung out and shopped. We had a little adventure before the shopping trip started. We stopped to add gass to my car, I filled it up and paid it. Then it wouldn't start. To make a long story short, called Molly's mom for advice, didn't work, called Terry and prepared for the worst, Molly's mom took us to the mall, went back to car 5 mins after we left for mall, turned out there was dirt in the gasoline and caused a blockage. I drove back to the mall and picked back up for shopping.

Tuesday- I had a headache the whole day until 3 or 4 pm. Applied for another job. Relaxed the rest of the day.

Wednesday- My day with Mason!! It was absolutely a great thing to see him. He really was the boost I needed lately because my step-father has gotten worse. He left a sweet message on my phone while I was driving home. He can be as corny as he wants I love it. I really need to tell him something but I want to tell him in person, I guess that will be Saturday!!!!

We've been dating for 2 weeks!! Its a big thing for me, I've had really bad luck with relationships. Its either the guy was bored with me or I wasn't comfortable with the relationship. There isnt anything wrong with my relationship with Mason, it is absouletly perfect!!! I really hope he feels the same way. I can't wait to see him Saturday. Huggsss and kisses to him. :-D

Now I need sleep. Goodnight!

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