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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Sunday, June 12, 2005

   I hate mosquitos!!!!
Over the past few days I've gotten the shit eaten out of me. I have like 10 bites on my neck, back, and stomach. I know they are mosquito bites because when I get bit by them, the area around the bite swells and is a huge red welt about the size of a dime, blood red. This year they're being brutal. They usually go for arms or legs and now they're going through my clothing and biting my torso. It really makes me mad. I wish mosquitos would be extinct.

I went to Mason's yesterday after ACTs. Its great to have some one- one for a change. I like his friends but its good to be with just Mason. His friends backed out with seeing Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I was a little upset for Mason, and the other half was jumping for joy because I had Mason to myself. The movie was extremely good. I give it 4 and a half stars. lol go see it!

Well I better go and get cleaning, Mason is coming over to my house today.

Much love!

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