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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Monday, June 13, 2005

   Whoa... This is deep.
Alright if you already didn't guess I had an awesome time with Mason. He came over and we watched the Matrix. The movie was ultra freaky and confusing but still cool. We cuddled as we watch the movie. Damn!! I'm glad he's mine all mine. I told him I loved him, I know its awfully early in the relationship but I'm crazy about him. Its not a crush either, I know this is different because when I dated guys earlier I'd get doubts and couldn't see them with me in the future. I will admit with Mason I did have doubts but they weren't as severe as all the ones with previous relationships and I feel whatever hurdle comes our way we'll be able to handle it. For one, ~~~Mason is worth it!~~~ I can't find anything missing in my life. Mason completes me. And I was scared if I said I loved him to early he freak out and leave me but I needed to say it, its been building up inside me. MASON: I LOVE YOU!! I'm so happy he's in town visiting his dad even though I think he's seen me more than his dad (lol). I get to see him tomorrow too (5-13-05). He's got a cook out to go to. I think I remember a few of his relatives lol.

More love to Mason!!

Whoa... exactly 2 months until my 18th birthday! OMG I'll be dating jail bait, wow the adrenaline will be high there.... lol we'll be good, have no reason to worry. lol ;-)

much love
need sleep so I can dream about my honey

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