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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Friday, June 17, 2005

   Arg sometimes I just wanna.....
I've gotta update early since I have to get up very early tomorrow for college orientation.

My step-father really pisses me off sometimes. Mom and I are eager to take Mason with us on one of our mini vacations. Yes I know previous times taking "friends" turned out as torture. Well this is very different, its going to be a one-day trip, and its with Mason my boyfriend that I'm crazy for and has the same feelings towards me. We got Terry to say ok, but gave mom and I a lecture "if anything wrong happens .... blah blah blah." He needs to shut his mouth as have a little faith in mom and I. Again, the sooner I can move out and persuade mom to join me would be the best for both of us.

I lost 6 bettas today, wow I really suck at taking care of fish. I have 3 male bettas left that look healthy. So hopefully I can keep them alive.

Sheeba didn't eat she just dragged the mouse into her cave where I couldn't see it. I really should try live mice with her.

My room is almost clean for Mason's visit. I can't wait! He'll be a good reward after the long orientation.

I got a little upset when Mason's protective side flared up. He doesn't like my friend James, and I didn't know. I guess it took me by surprise, but whatever, I'm still going to be friends with James, he's the only one that listens to me rant how wonderful Mason is without biting my head off or say doubtful things about my relationship with Mason. I still love Mason whole heartly.

Much love

Love you Mason



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