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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

   Mason is at camp and we're only half way through the week.
Marshall orientation sucked. It was such a drag, but I did meet a really nice girl named Erica. She's from Parkersburg and she'll be staying in a dorm. I told her we should hang out some time. After orientation I come home and find out my parents were planning a night fishing trip, which meant Mason and I couldn't hang out my house which was planned a week in advance. Which really pissed me off. Mason and I still had a good time I guess. We went glow in the dark mini golfing which I won by 3 strokes. And we also went bowling. I'm pretty impressed how well he could bowl. He bowled a 102 and 107. Thats pretty good considering many of my non-league friends bowl horribly (no offense to you all). I bowled a 192 and a 165, I was happy with those scores, Mason has to be my good luck charm.
Sunday I spent the whole day with my handsome Mason because he was heading to camp the next day. We drove up to close to Parkersburg and visited his grandmother and her twin sister. They are like my grandparents, except my grandmother doesn't quilt. I hope I made a good impression on them. I enjoyed their company. I don't see where they said they were boring, maybe I'm just boring. lol Then we went to his grandfathers house in Lincoln county. We hung out there for awhile and thats when it hit me I wont see him for 5 days straight. It really sucked to, it ruined that evening for me. Have you noticed how fast the day goes by when your with someone your crazy for? It flew by. He got to come over to my house for like 5 mins so I can give him his gift which was like a book mark that had a picture of me and a poem on it:
~While We’re Apart~

Even though we’re apart
For a short time
I know it feels like forever.
I love you with all my heart,
And I’ll never leave your arms.
I’ll remain loyal to you
No matter how long we’re apart.
As long as the sun rises in the morning
And sets in the evening
My love will never die for you.
I send my kisses and all my hugs
To you while we’re apart.
You mean the world to me,
And nothing in this world
Can compare to you.
Love you whole heartily
Yours forever,
With love,
From your Emily

I feel I cant write well, and I'm still disappointed with this poem. I feel it doesn't say enough. But Mason liked it so I guess it was alright. We said our long goodbyes and I went home in tears, Scared to death of who knows what.

Monday was Molly's birthday and I had to volunteer at the red cross which turned out to only be an hour instead of the 3 hours. I got to talk to Seth ( a friend of the family) and catch up. I miss going to his and Brenda's get together's. They are a fun family to be with. Went over to Molly's, and had a sugar high, like always. Called mom 1 min before curfew and asked to stay the night, luckily she said yes and I didn't get in trouble. We went blockbuster a quarter til midnight and rented a couple games to play. We played them until 2:30 that morning. Before that Mason called several times and caught up, It was good to hear his voice.

I went shopping today (6/21/05) with my mommy. We went to Marshall and bought my college books. OMG I'm on the next step in my life and I'm really scared, like a deer caught in the headlights. We talked to a nice lady at the college of business to find out the holds on my account, turns out they are natural and we dont have to worry about a thing. She even offered scholarship info. We were leaving Marshall and I ran into one of my best friends from CMHS. Brad. It made my day actually, considering I've been wanting to talk to him lately. I hardly get to see him, we must make plans after his upward bound program ends. He's one of those guys that helped me through a lot of tough stuff through out high school. I'm blessed he's a friend of mine. After seeing Brad, Mom and I went to eat, then went to the mall. I got a check cashed, then we went to victoria secrets. Before we got there Mason called me (::Sigh:: its always good to hear from him. I really miss him.) At victoria secrets mom and I had a blast looking for bras and trying them on. It was crazy, who would have thought I'd have a great time shopping for bras with mom. I also got some cute panties as well. I went to Borders and mom went to sears. I bought another manga and she got herself a couple of really cute tops. I also got a book bag at kholes that I desperately needed. Mason called and asked all that I got from victoria secrets and insists that I model it. Heck I'll do it if I get to see him sooner. I'm going crazy not being able to see him and cuddle with him. I miss his touch!!! I missed his call later in the evening by a minute because I had to go to the bathroom. Maybe I should take the phone next time.

Now around 2 am have just finished talking to my daddy about professors and classes I'll have. It turns out my math instructor was my father's boss like 14 years ago. Great, I wonder how much this guy will expect from me. I also talked to william about Marshall. We might do lunch on mondays and wednesdays in between class, at least there will be one friend of mine I'll get to talk to at Marshall. Will is doing ok after his surgery, I'm still worried about him, physically he's doing fine, but mentally he's really down and I wish I knew what I could do to help. I feel so helpless in these situations. We might hang out Friday evening hopefully.

Its late and I need some rest

Love you SO much Mason

Sweet dreams

Much love



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