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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Saturday, July 2, 2005

   I'm a horrible girlfriend. ::tears::
Well I was just going to update this past week but I'm still upset over this evening. I went bowling with my friend Will in St. Albans. I did fairly well in bowling, I bowled a 112, 141, 146, 152, 171, and 175. I beat Will 4 out of 6 games, it was cool because he normally kills me in bowling. We caught up and talked about Pat and his g/f, me and Mason, and (blah) my father. Mason called while we're bowling, I said hello and told him I was bowling with Will. I told him I'd call him when I got home.

I got home and ate my freshly bought cookies-n-cream ice cream from walmart and got online. I picked up my cell to call him and he IMed me. He was pissed. I didn't realize me going bowling with one of my bowling friends would make him mad. The only thing we did was bowl and chat. I guess it was my fault for not telling him I'm going out with Will to bowl. Mason consideres it a date, I didn't think much about it. I forgot how protective Mason actually is. Its my fault. Mason and I talked, well sorta, on the phone. I was trying to apologize and I was getting upset and afraid he was going to break up with me. I was so upset I was in tears. The conversation was going no where and I told him I'm going to get ready for tomorrow.

I went upstairs crying full force and Mom and Terry thought he broke up with me, which he didn't. I talked to them and they calmed me down and Terry explain a guys point of view. Girls think way differently than boys do. I thought Will and I going bowling was no big deal. Mason saw it as a date. I come to this conclusion, I am an asshole and a fool not to consider my boyfriends reactions. Hell, I've never been in this long of a relationship, maybe I'm not girlfirend material. I'm an idiot and I shouldn't even be with a guy as wonderful as Mason.

I apologized once again and heres what I said and truly ment:
"I'm really sorry you were right, I was wrong. I wasn't thinking and I should have told you before hand. I swear up and down and on the bible nothing happened. We talked about you and I, and how well we've been doing in our relationship. He told me he's extremely happy to see how happy I been with you. He also said he's never seen me happier. I want you to know I'm still head over heels in love with you. I'm sorry for all trouble I've caused, I feel terrible about it. I love you and I'll see you tomorrow"

I suck at this girlfriend thing. Hopefully things go better tomorrow, I pray.

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