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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Saturday, July 9, 2005

   I'm in Miami, FL and my family and I are ok!
First off, hurricane denis did not do that much harm to southern fl. The Keys were hit a little worse than we were. The outer bands of denis reached us. It was rain and wind. The worst gusts were 70 mph. The most damage the southern fl (like miami) had were trees falling over and some minor flooding. Don't let the news fool you. Cuba got it full force, we didn't luckily. Even if it did come here, I would be perfectly safe. My grandparents have through lots of hurricanes in this very house, Andrew being one of them. We pray for the folks in Alabama, Louisiana, and the Florida pan handle. Hopefully it doesn't return to being a categorey 4... or it could be 10 times worse.

Ok... so far I have had a good time here. Its a change from WV, I guess I needed it too. I'm more relaxed. I don't feel.. i don't wanna say rushed or hurried but those are the closest words I can say to what I feel. Even though I feel this, theres no place like home... plus I'm starting to develope home sickness.

My grandparents have mixed feelings about Mason. But it wont influence me one way or the other about our relationship. I think the whole Wind family excluding me thinks the worst. I know in my heart we can make it past any hurdle and we have so far.

Random thoughts:

I'm getting off the patch, its pointless when I'm going to behave.

I have a job interview when I get back from Fl.

3 day until I'm home in WV

I might be having a pool party for my 18th b-day party.

It must be really hard to shop for...

I miss bowling!!!

Ok saying my goodnights because its late and brain dead

Sweet dreams
much love

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