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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

   (In tears) I have no father in my eyes. Heck Terry is closer to being my father figure than my real father.
This is what I got from my father this morning about my journal:

Dad: Hi Emily, I will take any avenue to keep the communication lines open to you. If you choose not to discuss anything substantive with me on the phone (the mature way) or the email, I shall go to the medium on which you keep lashing out on me. Xanga.com and your other sites are public media -- you're shouting to the world -- and as long as you invoke me in this, I have a right... a responsibility... to know about it and respond accordingly. More later as I have just reported sick to the Hurricane Watch, and now I'm medicating myself and turning in. You keep talking about your being an adult -- if you're not careful, you could get an adult lesson on a term called "libel." But I'd rather we settle our differences and find out what the hell has been going on these past three years. Later....

I might be coming of age and surely through all of this I have been more than the adult than my father.
Things my father have done that has hurt/scared/angered me:
1. When I "helped" him move and worked myself sick literally.
2. His apartment conditions
3. His bird cages
4. The fact he doesn't know when to get off the computer to improve his apartment conditions or get enough sleep
5. His health
6. He bashed mom and Terry
7. Taking cheap shots at me when he doesn't know the true situation
8. The fact he hasn't seriously apologized
9. He comes up from Florida and takes another shot at me when I was trying to be polite.
10. The fact it took him almost 12 years to come up to WV.

Dad I have no desire to talk to you, why do I want you to "force your opinion" on me. Take your own advice quit stepping on my toes and leave me alone. I'm tired of this and I want to be left alone. BTW I have yet to express your full name on my sites. I will if you want me to so everyone in the world can know who you are. Dad it isn't I that needs to mature, its you that needs to. So dad take me to court, that will even give more reason to cut you out of my life. Just leave me alone and don't give me a reason to lash out. You are the one causing me to do so. This is my own journal and I can and will express my own feelings in my journal.

I'm done and I will NOT talk about this any longer.

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