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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Thursday, July 21, 2005

   I'm done...
I am going to explain the 3 times recently Dad has made a cheap shots or tried to prove me that I am wrong. 1) Graduation: When dad, grandpa john, and I went to eat, Grandpa John was telling me about McGee their new cat. Grandpa asked if I heard about him, before I got to say anything Dad said "She hasn't been down to Florida for almost 2 years!" Stressing it as if to make me feel guilty of my choice not to visit him. BTW I brought along my friends so that if I suffered a low blow like that I could look for them for support. 2) Mentioning Keith the way he did while we were playing cards. He doesn't know the full story about Keith and I and doesn't have a say so in the matter. I figured the nasty glare I gave him after his refrence would have hinted it. 3) Trying to out do me in Marshall knowledge. Again it was at least 13 years ago dad, and just before I came down I went to marshall to get the basic facts. Sorry for stating a fact about marshall that was correct. All those time I see it as an attack on me trying to bring a rise out of me. You got it and this is the absolute last time I'm going to even respond to you as dad. Its over.

Dad Your blocked as of now and I will not respond to any more email from you.

I'm late... Need a shower then I'm going to Mason's.

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