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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Monday, July 25, 2005

   Whoa.... Its late.... and I'm neglecting my journals once again
First off, if some people that read my journal were offended any way from the previous entries, I'm sorry but those were genuine feelings. I'd like to make it clear... out of a possible 64 or 65 entries only 16 mention my father one way or another. 6 of them are out of hurt or anger, the others are just mentioning him. I don't see why I had a couple of people say "all" my entries were filled with rage towards my father... hmmm read the archives before you want to bite my head off please. =^_^=

I've spent a lot of time with my Mason, getting closer and closer as we should be. He went bowling with me when plans with everyone else crashed and burned, then went to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I liked it because you find out what kind of past Willy Wonka had.
I went with him to his Aunt Jenny's and had a good time playing croque and winning. Hopefully next time I go, I'll be able to win once again.
Today I went to the wave park and had a decent time with Mason and his family. I used SPF 50 sunlotion and still got burnt. Well it could have been worse. I don't think I'll peel.

Random topics:
I have a creepy stalker that is like 30 years old or more. He's watched me grow up, found where I lived and wrote me a letter and a poem. Terry took the letter and poem to the police, they said they can't do anything until he continues to hassle me or such. So for a while we'll be locking doors and I'll be very watchful.

Training tuesday on food handling... fun! (sarcasm)

I want the new harry potter book... just to lazy to getr it.

Dad acted as if nothing is wrong between us and invited my on a vacation with him. I think thats a disaster waiting to happen if I go. I told him thank you but no thank you.

I'm still battling the past. I wish I could scream, yell, and shout at Keith and finally get over his ass and our past. Its not getting in my way with Mason but it still lingers occasionally. I know for a fact Mason isn't Keith and I need to drop it. Its still a battle that I'm slowly over coming.

I'm a Backstreet Boys fanatic. Mason made me smile, he put in a BSB CD on our way to the wave pool. ::sigh:: I was on my way home and I was REALLY listening to the lyrics... crazily enough I can relate every song to at least one person. Man I'm a geek!

Is it just me???? : My parents and friends keep mentioning marriage. Its WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to soon to even think about it. If Mason and I ment to be, we'll end up together in the end.

I'm going to bed.

Love you Mason with all my heart!

Sweet Dreams!

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