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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Saturday, July 30, 2005

   My letter from a very close friend that is a para legal.
This is to lighten the mood... Its very touching that there's someone out there knows that I'm not here to ruin my fathers name.

Background... I have been in contact with this person for at least three years. He knows the good,the bad and in between about my situations with my father. I actually asked him for legal advice for a couple of situations. He has also received every email dad and I have sent to each other. So no I have not been bashing dad, trying to persuade him one way or another about dad. These are his own thoughts.

His letter in response to Dad's reactions:

"Good Morning Em:

Some people just don't understand. I think that you were pretty clear in what you wrote and his response went over the edge, ignored your feelings and kept invoking, unstated of course, the "why me" feeling as if he is the persecution victim. Granted that as a child you had trouble with your parents divorcing....all children do. However, Terry has filled in as a father figure and you have adjusted in time to things. You are not "over" what happened because things like this stay with you through life, and if you were 100% over the whole episode, that would actually be more harmful because it could signal some denial issues on your part. You went from a hurt child to a wonderful, smart, caring, kind young woman (ok, so I am biased where you are concerned) and have used what happened in life to help shape you into who you are today. Mom and Terry had a lot to do with that by providing you love, but your grounding in your faith and your sense of right and wrong were developed by one person: Emily.

I an not a psychologist, but your Dad is the one who has never gotten over the divorce and the emotional aftermath. Both of you are hurting because of the strain, but he refuses to take any responsibility and blames everyone rather than taking a long look in the mirror. As for professors working 100+ hours per week, things must be different in Florida because the ones I know give me crap about working 40+ hours per week as being a workaholic.

Your responses were well thought out and heartfelt. He has to get used to the fact that his daughter is now a young woman with opinions of her own.

I'm proud of you for sticking up for yourself, you are a strong woman."


I felt I need to post that before I go to bed this evening. I'll post about the regular next post.

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