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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

   I'm behind once again!
Its been a really long time since I've updated (14 to 15 days ago!). A lot of good things have happened.

~~~The water park~~~
Mace and I had a really good time. The only thing that bugged me was he making me choose everything, I wanted his opinion too. We were there for a long time... and it was rainy and cold which meant water was cold too. Mason was complaining.. so I teased him... I didn't expect him to take me serious. He never told me he was water logged or anything. WE really need to work on communicating. Most of our little spats could be avoided if we communicated. Either way I am glad we went together... I still had a great time. I didn't get burnt to a crisp! One thing that really bothered me was how pissed Daniel looked when I spent all my time with Mason. I did like him before I was involved with Mason. It might just be me but I think he has a thing for me... It sucks for him on bad timing. He's a sweetie but CANNOT compare to Mason.

~~~The Concert~~~
It was great!!! Well I only knew one song from Def Leppard... and that was from the encore. Brian Adams tho, rocked my socks off. I knew 4 or 5 songs and 2 of them were lovey-dovey songs. During that time was my most memorable, Mason and I were close and we sang along to the songs... ::sigh:: it was great! It was a shame though we didn't get to stay longer, but I didn't want to be the only one wanting to stay for Brian Adams. I still had a great time!

~~~Masons Day before his vacation~~~
Monday (not this monday previous monday) Mason and I spent a good chunk of time with each other that day. We saw Dukes of Hazzard, which wasn't to bad, hung out at the mall, and visited a dollar store. Mason bought me a balloon that said "I Love You", for a keepsake while he's on vacation. I dashed home after that and got ready for work which turned out that I didn't need to come in. I was off... grrrrr. But while I was there Mason and his family came in and bought ice cream. Mason got a bear for me and gave it to me there.. embarrassing the crap out of me. I still loved it.

~~~Tuesday - Friday~~~
Work and visited with Molly. Invited people to my party... finally lol. Ordered my ice cream cake... its oreo and chocolate cake (yum) and will have pretty sun flowers on it made with icing. Its gonna be awesome!

~~~ Saturday MY 18th BIRTHDAY!!~~~
Wahoo I turned 18!! I also worked 10am to 5pm... It was a embarrassing/fun day. I was extremely giddy at work... the ppl I worked with sang happy birthday to me at least 6 times and Brady made up a song just for my birthday. Mason sent me roses in a beautiful vase to my work. (They're still alive too!) I love him more and more each day. :) He rocks my world. I also had several voice messages wishing me happy birthday. It really made me day. Its good to know that I have good friends that love the person I am. Mom, Terry and I went to Rio Grande and had my b-day dinner. I still heard bull sh*t from Terry. (cant wait to move out!)

~~~ Sunday: Terry's B.S. once again~~~
Did odd ball things... cleaning, lounging, hugging my teddy bears from Mason... Really missing him. Hug out with Katie at the mall. It was fun... It turns out she's like Molly and I when it come to toys and toy stores... goofy lol. And we're 17 and 18. I got my own Sears card! And we drank smoothies from Borders... (not as good as coldstones tho) Mason comes home!!
Chippy was doing his thing once again... He wanted me to come over and visit him at his grandparents. It was flirting and I didn't fall for it. I'm done with him. He not any good for me

Work, and Saw the Sutton family (Annie, Chuck, Brad, and Adara). I renewed my licence (lvl 3!) Its blue and wont have to be renewed for 3 years. I'm also registered to vote now. I got my first mail asking if I'd like a credit card lol. Of course I ripped that one up... I already have one lol.

~~~Tuesday (Today) Now!~~~
I finally saw Mason and realize how much I need to have him hold me in his arms and him to give me kisses. He really is one of my key people that keeps me going in life. We cuddled and watched movies all day long. I realized in a guys mind cuddling can only last so long before they get bored. I wish we could think of things to keep us occupied. I feel like I'm failing as a girlfriend. I don't know. We need more communication lol. Brad called for once and he only called to tell me the girl he's liking is being stubborn and he's written 10 poems. we chatted for a half hour and then finally parted. We both use to be really good friends and I guess where I've been nonstop busy with Mason, Molly, work, and school, brad has hit a back burner. I really wonder why these people still choose to remain friends with me, is beyond me.

I'll be at work in like 10 hours so I better get some sleep.

Love you SOOOOOOOOOOOO much Mason!

Goodnight and Sweet dreams


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