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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

   ::sigh:: Life is still good, its changed its course tho...
Its like 9:30 am here at Marshall. Once again our math teacher let us out 30 mins early. I wouldn't mind it but I already had an hour and 45 mins until my next class. I've caught up on my reading for my classes and the only things that need to be done are my 2 paragraph essay for English tomorrow, my math for Thursday, and my giant essay due in 2 and a half weeks for english. I'm dreading my giant essay. I'm thinking about making my essay a persuasive essay about the TV show that is on oxygen late night with Susan Johanson. "Let's talk sex!" Its a pretty good show, its educational and she does promote safe sex tips. When the younger crowd (like age 13 or 14) call in to her show she tells them first that they should wait, but if they do decide to do anything they should protect themselves and she proceeds to tell how nasty the STDs are. Do you guys think I could make a good persuasion essay with this topic? I think I would say something like "Let's talk sex: A show that needs be in every health class" or "Let's talk sex: intertwined with our youth". I want to express the importance how this show is a good show for youth, so they can see what they'd be getting themselves into at an early age. YaY or nay? You guys be the judge.

Now that I did my rant from Marshall and classes... My heart goes out to all those people who have family in Florida, Alabama, Louisanna, and Mississippi and anywhere else that hurricane Katrina has struck. My dad and grandparents were in it when Katrina passed over Miami Fl. They are fine. Dad now should have electricity by now. I just realized why dad hasn't been answering my emails, he was preparing for the storm. Sorry Dad if the second email sounds a little mean. I was aggravated. I haven't had a chance to even turn on a TV until recently. But yeah my prayers go out to everyone involved.

Work... well my hours are riding a rollercoaster. Last week I had 28.5 hours.. this week I only have 14. This really bites... I really need these hours because now its going to take forever to save up enough for a good down payment for a cute little house. I was thinking about picking up a second job... but last night when I told Mason how my hours got cut, he said he was glad. He and his mom are worried I work to much. I don't think I do but I part of me see as they are right. I'm always tired and never have energy any more. Maybe this week will allow me to catch up on school work and such. My schedule:
Tuesday: 6 to close
Wednesday: off
Thurday: 7 to close (I think its 7, but I know I close tho)
Friday: off
Saturday: off
Sunday: off
Monday: 2 to 7
Its going to be weird having 3 days off in a row. But I'll get to spend my time with Mason on the weekend.

Mason I love you soooooooo much.

Arg... its only 10am... I have one more hour until Communications. I'll just go get a smoothie then. TTYL

Love you Mason

Good Day to you all (man I feel British all of a sudden lol)


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