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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Thursday, September 15, 2005

   I'm alright now...
Hey I got out of Math early once again so I've studied my speech and now I have time to write in my journal. Not to worry I will have even more time to study my speech after I finish here.

Mason is my savior. The last time I posted I was upset about school, friends, work and family, and that afternoon I tried my hardest not to bring Mason down when I went and got him from school. I tried to act fine but I'm a horrible liar, he saw through it. I told him what happened and he just said "need a hug?". It was the best thing I could have gotten from him. He wiped away the tears and told me everythings going to be alright. Isn't he great?

I fixed my hours so I don't have to close except for one day. My schedule for this week:
thurs 5 to 10
friday off
sat 12:30 to 6:30
sunday off
mon 4 to 9pm
tues 5 to 10 <--- should be out of there by no later than 11:30

Last night I got bitched at by mom and Terry after I got back from seeing Mason and church. They yelled at me for leaving the air conditioner on, my eating habits, and irresponsible I am being. Apparently juggling full time schooling and work isn't responsible. They emphisize on working is more important than schooling. Mom yelled at me for not eating dinner with the family when I am rarely home. Why eat with a "family" that groans and gripes and then takes it out on everyone else but themselves? BTW when have I been eating? I rarely have a meal a day. I'm always in a rush... eating is a side thing. I had chocolate in my room because I was craving it ::cough PMSing cough::. So now they think all I eat is junk food. They lectured me that I'm going to get diabeties and Terry dragged my father in it. I might have arguments with my father but it doesn't mean Terry can insult him in front of me. I fought back and then Terry was like you can give 20 dollars for your rudeness. What the hell? He threatened he'd take the car away if I continued on this path... This is why Mom will not sign the car over to me. So they have something hanging over my head when they are in pissy moods. He also threatened to kick me out.

Terry screamed for me to go down stairs and I moved slowly just to piss him off even more so. I swear... if he came down stairs and screamed at me more I was going to hit him with my softball bat. I finished up my communications by printing handouts for my speech. Mason called when I was crying once again. I told him what happened and he calmed me down. He took his shower and then called me back. He callled his mom beforehand to have her calm him down. He told me he's there for me anytime I need him and if Terry ever lays a hand on me he'll call the police for me. And if Terry kicks me out his mom said I can live with them for a while. I love Mason to death... If it wasn't for him I'd be... well lets just say I was having some dark thoughts that I haven't had since middle school. And I pray that I never have those thoughts again. Mason truely loves me and I seriously love him.

Mason has made such a huge impact in my life I refuse to lose him, I thank God for him being in my life.
I LOVE you Mason, more than you'll ever know.

Well I had a Math test today... I think I did alright. I can miss no more than 2 and still get an A. I wish I double checked it though. I hate multiple choice on math tests, they're tricky.

Anyway I'm better ^_^ I'm going to go.

Thanks for the email Will

I love you Mason


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