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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

   I had 7 hours of sleep and I'm still sleepy!
It has to be the day... its a dreary day. Raining on and off. I barely made it to class on time, because people drive crazy when weather happens. I was walking to class and I saw an accident happen. If you witness an accident are you suppose to stick around and tell the police what you saw? Because I ran to class. I can't be thrown in prison can I? It wasn't to bad and everyone looked like they were alright.

I got 95% on my math test. I'm so happy! The average in our math class was a 75%. I was above everyone else but maybe 1 or 2 ppl. Take that multiple choice!

Mason and I are still going strong. We're going to spend Wednesday after school together because neither of us have to work. We'll probably go see The Exersism of Emily Rose. Then hang out at my house afterwards.

I love the fact Dad hasn't read any of my emails from me. I really could use the money that is saved for me towards school. He could at least email me and let me know whats going on. Yes I know theres a hurricane passing through today and I don't want to sound like I don't care, but i do. It's just I'm getting emails from him like jokes and stuff a couple times a week. It only takes two seconds to type out a response. Why can't that be so hard?

I get my communications grade back today at 11:00am its almost ten now. If you hadn't already guessed My math teacher let us out early again. Good thing because he was teaching "how to solve equations". Ugh shoot me now... its tooooooooo easy. Give me a challenge please!

Parents are actually being parents for once! They were worried sick about me last night when I had to work. So now on I have to write my schedule on the white board we have on the fridge.

Guess what I realized... I left my air conditioner on but its like at 70 it shouldn't be too bad. I called Terry and Mom to tell them. Its a good thing I'll be home by 12:30 or earlier depending on what time class lets out.

I was looking at my past entry and I see I haven't told you about our new cat. Well he claimed us actually. Mom always says I have a thing with animals... There was a stray grey cat walking around our neighborhood. He was super skinny and he got picked on by the same black and white tom Angie was attacked by. I saw him one day under a car watching me so I sat down in my gravel drive way and called him to come over. He came right to me, but was very hesistant on letting me pet him. I got a chance to a couple of times and then I went inside the house and got him food and water because he was so skinny you could see all of his bones. He ate 2 bowls of food and drank half a bowl of water. The poor cat. I named him Blue. To shorten the story Blue is no longer skiddish and allows mom, me and Terry to pet him. He wants to come inside our house but we're first going to get him treated. He needs his shots, he has to be treated for worms, treated for his respitory problems, and tested for the general cat problems. We're going to get him neutured as well. There doesn't need to be any more kittens running around our street. Terry calls Blue, Smokey. Thats going to change. lol Since the first interaction with him he's gained 2 or 3 lbs. He's not skin and bones anymore. Very sweet natured and doesn't fight with Angie. He's going to be a very good house cat if he chooses to stay after we get him treated. And Yes Angie has been jealous but she'll get over it.

My bowling is getting worse. When we established our averages I had a 149. Last week I averaged a 146. I need to bring it up. I hate it I hatei it I hate it arggggggggggggg. Maybe I should quit bowling. I dont get time to practice anymore.... We'll I'm going to finish out the season first. Hopefully it will get better.

I work tonight its 5 to 9pm but I told Brady I'll close. I need the hours. Nothing to big to worry about except a Sociology test. I'll be fine on it. Other than that I think this week will be a breeze.

I'm all out of things to write about... so Have a good day!

I love you Mason

May the world have Peace and Prayer!


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