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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Friday, October 14, 2005

   Everything is going pretty well
Hello... I know its been a while since I've last updated. I had midterms and work to do. Visiting with Mason and such. But like the title says everything with me is alright. I am doing ok in bowling... placed 2nd in the first tournament. Mason and I are still going strong. Terry still a jerk, but I can deal... I'm rarely home when he is awake. Mason's Homecoming is tomorrow... it weird, the excitement hasn't hit me yet... lol it will tomorrow. School is going ok.. I'm passing all my classes. I think on my latest paper I'll get a high B, maybe a low A. Lastly, I'm no longer letting my dad get under my skin. I'm going to florida for a week before Christmas and I figure I'll be seeing him. I told myself no more getting aggravated anymore. No more getting upset because he can't see through my point of view. Anyway, I wrote him a letter in response to him writing me say I was the one ignoring my letters. Here it is:

Dad I haven't been ignoring your emails. I have 10x more important things to do before email or fun and games online, school and work being the major parts. At this point, I ask you to view through my eyes and see why I get so aggravated about things you bring up. Yes, I stated "As of right now I consider you just a name on my birth certificate." But have you taken the time and walked in my shoes for my thoughts and feelings on this matter or earlier matters? I didn't mean to hurt you any of the times I have stated my opinion. As part of growing up, I've learned its good to state an opinion and sometimes it hurts but that is what has made me stronger. Especially the critizism I have recieved in the past few years. No one has made it easy for me. My family has put more speed bumps in my life than anything else. School and the few true friends I have, have helped me throughout my life. I see my friends having close bonds to their parents, and it does hurt that I don't have that bond with my family.
I'm trying to just focus on my future as of right now. School is going well and I have a wonderful boyfriend that loves me for me. Its amazing how much Mason has improved my life. He cares for my well-being and he is always there for me through thick and thin. We're making it agianst the odds, against what everyone has said about us,"it will never last because your in college and he's in high school". Dad, take the time a please realize how hard its been for me and please realize I love you. You take my feelings to literal, I vent on my journals, I express how I feel when I am typing them. Then let them go. When you bring them back up you bring the feelings back up and thats how you get an uproar from me. I know you.. you'll want the last word... just be forwarned from now on I'll let you have it because I don't need to cry anymore. And I will not let family eat at me any longer.

Well I tried to at least... Who knows his response but what the heck. If he wants to continue thats his problem. I will not continue it anymore. I'm giving up.

I've got class in 15 mins so I'll hopefully update sunday.

Love you Mason!!!

Peace and Happiness


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