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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Monday, October 31, 2005

Little things make me wonder, such as...

Someone calling you that truly loves you, forgets to say I love you when hanging up.

People say one thing and then turn around and say the opposite.

The love one person might have for someone, but still wonders if there is a different person out there that could be loved more.

Why do people put so much belief in fate or luck? Whay can't one say this is my destiny and stick through it.

If you see yourself going nowhere in your education then why not change your direction?

Can one seriously get pregnant when they do not do convential sex?

Why are these thoughts running through my mind?

My passion for school has died and my ambitions for a better life are slowly dwindling the longer I live with my parents.

Good thing I have the love of my life in my life. Otherwise I might just curl in to a ball and die. Life is so depressing when you look past the good you already have.

I loved the fact Mason came and visited me last night, he doesn't understand how much I needed him at that moment. Lif was hitting me pretty hard.

Need to go to class...

Happy Halloween!

Love you Mason!


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