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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Monday, December 5, 2005

   I'm catching up...
So how was everyone's Thanksgiving Break?? Mine really really sucked but thats ok... its a new chapter.

I'll start with what happened. Like usual my parents were hounding me about my job. I requested of Friday the 25th because it was Mason's and I's 6 month anniversity. Its pretty big if you ask me... Mom told Terry and they had a fit. (BTW It was well worth the day off because my whole day with Mason was W-O-N-D-E-F-U-L!!! ::Sigh::) The whole fight started Saturday evening before I went into work. I went in early so that I could calm down and talk to Mason. I figured if I left for Maosn's really early, I wouldn't have to deal with my parents. I tried going to Mason's at 5 in the morning... so I could get there at 6. Mom stopped me and said to go when it gets lighter. So I waited til day break... like 7. Mom stopped me again and this time I was trying to talk to her but she and Terry were talking irrationally. Then Terry grabbed me by the back of me head and smacked me. From that point I started towards Molly's. I will not EVER tolerated being hit by that man. Mom tried to apologize for him like 8 hours later. I didn't by it. I went back so I could get my clothes and necessities... and Terry was acting like nothing has happened. Still verbally abusive like always... I am pressing charges on Terry. So that got me kicked out because my mom is to stupid to defend herself. Terry is filling her head with nonsense.

I'm staying at a friends for time being.. I hate it tho... I feel I'm causing a ton of stress on them. Dad is offering help. I just don't know what to ask for. I'm going to live in a door if I can. And I am going to get a new job. Possibly waitressing...

I'm not as depressed as I have been... Just Yesterday I spent time with Mason. :) I helped put up Mason's Christmas Tree and I felt like I was part of the family. I've never felt that way with any of my actual family. It really meant a great deal to me. To quote Mason's father "She's a keeper." I hope I will be. I love Mason with all my heart and soul. And I already feel part of the family. I'm blessed to have them in my life.

I Love You Mason!!


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