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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Saturday, April 3, 2004

A girl in a new site!!
Hi all. Ok I'm now on my 3 journal web page. And I'll use the same excuse I used for the other 2, I joined because I have at least one friend on here I want to keep contact with. ::cough clingy cough:: lol. Anyway along with the news!!!!

Alrighty Good news!!! I broke it off with Kenny.He tried to tell my guy friends what to do. And I quote "Stay away from my girlfriend or else. And don't touch her either!!" What the hell! I'm my own person. I don't belong to anyone. And if I want to talk to my guy friends I'm going to talk to my guy friends! After school I took my friend JD home, and like always we sit and chat before I go home, but today out of the blue he asks me out. I tell him I'll give him and answer on monday. He also gave me a poem he wrote just for me and here it is:
I used to skip school because I hated it,
Now I can't wait for it to see a friend
I used to take all day to eat breakfast at school
Now I rush to have more time with a friend
I used to rush to lunch for hunger
Now I run to have a few words with a friend
I used to hurry to leave my locker
Now I wait 2 more minutes just to say hello to this friend
I used to take my time between classes
Now I hurry to be able to carry out a conversation to this wonderful friend
I used to decide what to take home at my locker
Now I decide at my 8th mod so I can talk to this wonderfully amazing friend
This friend, who I humbily call, Emily, has blessed me
Every word is like a breeze flowing through a valley of flowers
Every action is like one of an angel
Now I so very humbily ask this friend from heaven to bless me exedingly in becomming my girlfriend.

Aww isn't it so sweet. I never knew I could make an inpact on someones life like I have his. What's so special about me? I mean I never would have though I'd mean that much to somebody.When I first read that I was in tears. I didn't know what to feel. I'm so insecure about relationships I'm scared to lose, to love, and to live. But is so touching I mean something about him. More on this later.

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