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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Wednesday, April 7, 2004

Hi peeps well actually peep since I only have one friend on here ::sigh::

Anyway I forgot to mention this is my 5th day in a relationship. Whew, the toughie part is over. I never kept a relationship longer than 5 days but thats in the past ::knock on wood:: ok gotta say............ I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!!! Which hardly happens so I'm blessed.

Ok something new. I am starting quote of the day. I'm reading a book and it has cool quotes in it so I'm going to post them. BTW the book is about witchcraft so its gonna be kinda dark.

::cough, cough:: (lol) The quote of the day:
"Beware the mage, and bid him well, for he has powers beyond your kin" -- Altus Polydarmus, 1618


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