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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Monday, August 28, 2006

   I'm being thoughtful.

Life is strange... I read some old journal entries, like back in my sophmore and junior years, and mainly I sounded like a twisted and suicidal person. Which at the time I wasn't, I just dwelled on the past. I've grown immensly since then. A lot of help was on my own, when I felt my parents weren't up to par as parents. Recently it has been Mason that has shown me life and love and a reason to continue life. I have debating within myself if Mason is truly the one for me. My father likes to make comparisions between each other's life and in his eyes, from past experiences, he doesn't think it will last. I was thinking of past times and special moments that Mason and I had. And what gave me the answer to the question "is he the one?" was the fact that all the good memories flood out the bad ones. When it feels like a stale-mate during the relationship one of us stands up and says something to rekindle the spark we have. Another reason is we're not afraid to talk about our possible future. I don't know if I'm reading into things to much but I feel that Mason is the one for me. God provided him to me when I had given up on love, when I was going through a crisis, and has helped Mace and I stay together.

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