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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

   Coming to a decision
Alright today I seem much stronger than I have recently. I've came to a decision about Keith... I'm going to just move on and swallow the fact I did a lot of firsts with him but kept the most important thing, My Virginity. I will admit I wanted to be with him because there is a soft side to him that I love. And now all I can do is move on and look forward to the summer.

This summer after school is out my family and my friend, HollyAnn, and I are going to Orlando and Tampa Bay. A VERY long needed vacation on my part. I think I'll scope out the beaches and stalk a few hotties lol. We're planning to go to Busch Gardens too. I'm going to make an ass of myself too. I'm gonna flirt and act crazy to release energy.
In July I'll be going to Dallas/Fort Worth Texas to represent West Virginia in the Pepsi Bowling Championships. I'm excited!! I'll get to meet new people and bowl for 2000 dollar scholarship. It sounds REALLY fun. Theres going to be a rodeo dinner and a teen dance. Man! I really I could go tomorrow!!!!

Its great to have friends. I so cherish Molly. Molly is an awesome friend. She makes me laugh when I'm down and talks common sense. Theres a few others that make a serious dent in my life and I thank you. (You know who you are!)

Quote of the Day:
"Trust life, and it will teach you, in joy and sorrow, all you need to know."
--James Baldwin

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