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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

   Something totally off the recent subject
I'm updating before school which is a first...
Last night after my last post, Terry, my stepfather, and I were talking. He never thinks I crack a book to study, boy he got nipped in the butt on that one. We started to talk about my microbiology class. And I named off at least 6 different bacteria and where they can be found. He was absolutely shocked. He knows I hate that class, and I work my ass off to keep the grades up in the class. Hey it is an honors class I have to work hard anyway. Hey I earned 5 bucks because I knew 2 more bacteria than he did lol. I love it when I prove him wrong lol.

Gotta go to school and get my edumaction lol... More later!

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