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Friday, September 29, 2006

   Is this your professor?: School and venting
11:07am 29/09/2006
I'm realizing my study habits are 100% off this semester. So far:
Macroeconomics- C
Accounting- who knows right now but my best guess is C

Is it going to be a repeat of last semester? I don't think so, I'm going to adapt new study habits and actually read for once... I can't believe how horrible I'm doing. I do know better. Starting this weekend I am going to study for at least 4 hours of my time. I need to. Even if my Accounting teacher is a dope. And can't teach worth a crap.

Test grades so far:
Art - to be announced(took it today)
Geography - 42/46=91%
Macroeconomics - 36/50=72%
Accounting- 58/110 (the highest was a 68/110, he hasn't announced if they'll be scaled or not. We did another test and that will be announced Tuesday. I assume a C because I didn't do so hot the 2nd time)

::sigh:: College is starting to be annoying. To be 100% honest I hate it and I don't want to be here. I'm not going to drop out, I need more teachers that inspire me to be here like Professor Adkins (English), Professor Adkins(Macroeconomics), Professor Cole (biz communications), Ken Casto (IT) or surprisingly Professor Fain (history).

What teachers lack the most these days are ways to make their topic seem appealing to all students, inspire them to come to class, wanting to learn. When you get to a class where the professor says if you can't do this then drop the class then what makes the student want to be in that class? Basically if theres no support why go to a class where the odds are stacked against you and the teacher doesn't care if you pass fail of drop because he/she is getting paid either way? What holds you to that class, even more so what inspires you to do your best when you don't recieve that from your professor? I believe if you come to class the teacher must have a love for what their teaching and wants to implaced that love/respect in their students. If you go to a class where you basically have to teach yourself, then why come to school when you can buy the book, go to the companion website, print off outlines of chapters and/or slides, and read the chapters. When the teacher reads to you expecting you to understand what he's saying and then do the test and pass with a decent grade is unfair and very teatious work. This isn't including the fact your going to school full time and working part time and raising a family in some cases, then it is near impossible to do well. Many professors I have had are not the lazy professors I have mentioned. I have had or having at this time, one or two and I have struggle in their classes because their lack of care/teaching ability. The evaluations, you'd would think, would flush out these teachers and remove them. Or at the very least warn them about their teaching abilities and they need to improve or they're gone. I guess what I'm trying to say is; to be a good teacher he/she must know the material, have the love for the subject, show plenty of examples, makes sure the class understands the material before moving on, can make it interesting, related it to everyday life, and inspire student to do their best in class and out of class. Then college life will be a enjoyable learning experience.

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