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myOtaku.com: Chiciro

Monday, October 9, 2006

My relationship
1:44am Today
Its not going well. I'm trying so hard to hold on to him, but he's the one not trying. I tried being cute, funny, and sexy but it didn't work. A couple of days ago he told me our relationship was getting boring, I could tell something was off before then. I told him tonight about what I was going to get him for his graduation: trip to King's Island, for his birthday/christmas: an unmentionable, and he wouldn't let me tell him about the 2 year anniversery gift: a silver ban that is ingraved Forever Yours, with love from Emily. I don't even know if he'll like it. Its suppose to mark the love and dedication I have for him.

(He just IMed me saying I need to be in bed) I know he loves and cares about me but it feels like hes a ghost, like I can feel him only part of the time when he reaches for me like something is pulling us apart. Its not clear anymore. I'm still sending out the same love, maybe even more than I have, because now the sake of our relationship realies on our love. A good friend to me said "love is worth fighting for" and I really didn't understand it until Mace and I have our week break up back in June. The love I have for Mason runs deep, runs pure, and I truely believe he is my one true love because he has saved me continuously from my problems, family, stress, and even from myself. I'm lost without him. I only hope and pray that we can make it through this.

I love you Mason!

my prayer:
Dear Lord,
I know I'm not the biggest believer but I do have a faith in you. I believe you sent Mason to me as my guardian angel, friend, and lover when I needed someone to love and to love me back. I pray that he will stay in my life and still have those same relations with me. He has helped me along with some friends to keep on my feet when times were rough and our love has grown because of it. Many people say that I'm strong, but in truth, Mason has been my backbone, my strength to move on. And please Lord, please don't take him away from me. I can't see myself with anyone else, he's my better half. I can't lose him. I love him! I don't need another big heart break like I have in the past. Please Lord! I need your help.
In your dire need,

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