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chie ^_^
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Saturday, April 17, 2004
Starting the Saturday...
I spent half of my Saturday already. ^_^ It's about 12 pm and well, I'm bored. *sigh* Hehe, yeah, I just watched TV this morning, and did the extra credit for my History. ^^ I haven't started with my History homework, though. But that'll be easy enough.
I got to catch Shaman King earlier, so that's good. ^_^ I can't wait for Inuyasha and the new line-up for Toonami! I hope they show RAVE! Yep, that'll be awesome! Plus, I'm hoping to get caught up with FMA. I miss that! ^^
Heh, okay, that'll be all! I haven't really done much so I don't have anything interesting to talk about. ^_^;; Hope you guys are having a great weekend! Take care! Here's the pic!

[1999] Legend of Himiko! I think it's a little too shoujo. So, forgive me, lads. ^_^;; But the info says it's an adventure-genre anime. ^^ I don't really know, but it looks cool. I like the art and the story line looks promising. Might be a good series. ^_^
Thanks for reading! Ja ne!
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Friday, April 16, 2004
Oh... I see... ^_^
Oh, I finally understood what you guys meant. ^_^;; The post below was from yesterday, around 11 pm. I should've made that clearer. ^^;;
Wai! It's finally Friday! ^_^ And I only have one homework! Yay for free weekends!! ^^
Ah, today was quite fun. I had a lot of laughs. ^^ My English teacher wasn't there this morning, History wasn't filled with work, PE was so much fun (We played tug-o-war today!), and to top it off, I don't have any Math homework to do! ^__^ Oh, happy days!
Yep, school was unusually funny today. Math class was the best! Everyone was just laughing and having fun. ^_^ (Why can't it be like that everyday?) PE was too, since we escaped the mile run yesterday, because of an earthquake drill that took most of the period, and we didn't have to run today to make up for it! ^^ A week free of mile runs... that is so nice.
So, yeah, that's everything good today. ^_^ This should be the start of a great weekend! ^_^ Hopefully, I can start catching up on some anime, and finally get some stuff out of the way so they'll be good for the rest of the week.
Well, I'll end this today. The highlights of my day are already there, so no need to talk about the rest. Take care you guys! Have a great weekend too! Here's the pic! ^^

[2002] Harukana Tokino Nakade! Phew! That title's a mouthfull! ^_^;; Anyway, it looks cool, ne? Fantasy / Romance genre, most likely set around ancient times. The orange haired guy reminds me of a certain hardheaded, orange cat... ^_~ The art looks great, and the story line might even turn out good. Could be worth a look. ^^
Thanks for reading! Ja ne!
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Just wanted to say that I may be posting late tomorrow. (It's 11:35 pm my time as I write this post. ^_^) Yep, so it's finally Friday and I'm hoping to get as much free time as I can so I can catch up on some stuff. ^^ Yeah, that's about it. I'll see you guys later! ^_^
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Thursday, April 15, 2004
As predicted, today was the same, boring school day I always have. But it's better than having a bad one, so everything's good. ^_^
Suprisingly, my Math homework's due date got moved to Friday, so I finally got to relax and not think of equations and graphing and all that stuff. ^^ And, I only had one homework! Which I did while still at school, so technically I had no homework at all! ^^ What a miracle!
But I still came here late. I didn't have homework, but I had to take down some notes for History. That took two hours after I got home. Painfully long and eye-straining, but at least I'm almost done. Notebook check on Friday, so I have to finish it by then. -_-;;
Overall, the day was good. Something did happen during 6th period, but I'd rather not talk about it. I mean, it's nothing serious or anything, just really disgusting and I think it's very inappropriate here.
Well, like I said, nothing much, so I'm going to end this now. ^_^ Have a good day, minna! Take care! One more day to go before the weekends! ^^ Oh, and thank you so much for such kind and touching comments yesterday! That was so sweet of you guys. *hugs everyone* Arigato! ^^ Here's the pic!

[2001] Dangaioh G! Most probably another great mech anime. ^_^ I don't know much about it, but I did see the title quite a few times before. I really like the art, their mech design looks awesome! ^^ I just found out that it followed an OAV released in 1992, and I must say, their style improved a lot. Well, duh! It took 9 years to follow it up! *smacks head* ^_^;; Might be worth seeing...
Thanks for reading! Ja ne!
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Wednesday, April 14, 2004
I can't thank you guys enough. Every time I'm feeling down, or just not too well, you guys are all ears and here to cheer me up. ^_^ I know I've said this so many times before, but I can't deny the truth now, can I? You guys are just amazing! I'm really honored to have met such kind and caring friends. ^__^ *hugs everyone*
I had a good day today. Aside for the fact that my History teacher had to gasp because I turned in something a day late. I mean, I'm not perfect, so there's really no need to be gasping and saying [These were her exact words]: "I can't believe I'd live to see the day..." -_-;;
Yeah, and my friends said I was blushing and was just red all over. ^=^;; Gah, they need to breathe.
Anyway, English was surprisingly fun! ^_^ We didn't really do anything since my teacher was out yesterday. She just told us what happened in the Distric meeting where the English teachers, and a bunch of other people, were to grade our Assessment tests. She actually spoke to them about how the tests were just a waste of time and that it didn't really matter. She just told them off, but of course, in a nice way. She would've gotten fired if she yelled at them. Yeah, it was nice. ^_^ We were just talking about that, having some laughs, and she even gave us cookies! I can tell she was in a very good mood. ^^
PE was also good. I just helped out with the 7th grade Fitness test. I took their height and sent them to the next test. It was rather fun, actually. ^^ Though, the 7th graders in my school tend to get a little too enthusiastic about stuff. ^_^;; (No offense to other 7th graders. I'm really sorry if I did. Juu-san don't kill me! ^_^;;)
Other classes were not that bad. I enjoyed my Math class today, lots of laughs. ^^ So, to balance a week of good bad, my fair share of ying and yang are done already. I'm guessing the days ahead will either be the usual, boring stuff, or the incredibly interesting stuff (which seldom happens). ^_^
Well, that's about it for today. Thanks again, minna! Have a great day today! Take care too! Here's the pic! ^_^

[1999] Arc the Lad! Random picks all the way! ^_^ This looks so cool!! I really like it. I may have another title to add to my list. The art is great, the animation looks awesome, and I was just listening to the opening song, it's so cute! ^_^ It may be worth looking into. It certainly seems interesting, ne?
Thanks for reading! Ja ne!
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Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Warning: Venting and Long Post Ahead...
Okay, so I had one of those part good / part bad days today. It's nothing serious, I was just really mad the whole day, and my sister started thinking I was angry at her, mainly because I was too worked up about the events that took place.
My cousin didn't come to school, since her stomach was hurting really bad that morning. I was so worried, they even took her to the hospital because my parents were thinking it might be side effects of the medicine she drank for her teeth. She's okay, she even said the hospital wasted 3 hours of her time only to find out that the treatment she was getting was a tummy rub. ^_^;; Hehe, yeah...
So, I thought school was going to be okay. No worries, no problems. But then my sister started saying I forgot my P.E. clothes at home. I said I didn't, but she insisted. I started panicking a bit. I also got nervous, because last Friday, my English class had a quiz and I didn't study at all. ^_^;; Luckily, my teacher was absent, we had a sub, and things were good. So one thing to worry about down, another one to go.
My History class was so confusing!! We also had a sub, but he was the one that made it all screwy. I didn't know what to do, my mind was completely blank, and everything was just weird. That's the perfect way to desrcibe it. I really want my teacher to come back. At least she's organized and can easily be approached concerning work problems.
And finally, to top off such a hectic, confusing, and mostly weird day, my PE class. >_< Last Thursday, my cousin borrowed my shirt because she forgot hers. She didn't put it back in my locker. So, I had to go to her locker, open it, and get it back. But the things is, I couldn't open it. Three people already tried, but it still wouldn't open. So I called the lady in the Girl's PE office, she asked me what the code was and all the stuff. Then she came with me to the locker, she opened it, then slammed it shut again! "See, it opened!" was her reply. So I had to open it again, but I messed up. "Do it slowly!!" came her annoying voice. So I slowed it down, and finally opened the darn thing. I got my shirt, started changing since I was already late, and wanted to close the locker already. But she found my locker combination inside and asked who it belonged to. I said it was mine and explained once again how my cousin borrowed my shirt and dadadada...
"Go ahead and get to class! Tell your cousin that she's lucky she's only getting a new combination!" came her stupid, annoying voice once more. She changed my cousin's combination because, apparently, sharing wasn't allowed. Gosh!! I really had to restrain myself. I wanted to smack her right across the face! And my PE class wasn't exactly all that peachy either... *sigh*
After that, things started to lighten up. Nothing more to worry about so I finally got to breathe. My math class cheered me up a lot, so I thank the people there! ^_^
Aiya... sorry if it was long... I really had to vent. I complained a lot when I got home, but that didn't do the trick. -_-;; Hope you guys had a better day than I did. Take care, minna! ^_^ Here's the pic!

Sorry, I'm not feeling too well because of the whole thing. I'll get back to posting some new anime tomorrow. Until then, here's Sesshoumaru to keep you guys company. ^_^
Thanks for reading! Ja ne!
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Monday, April 12, 2004
Chrno and the little monster!
Just a quick recap of Easter Sunday:
Basically, it was fun! ^_^ I had a lot of fun playing volleyball with my cousin, parents, and my aunt and uncle. It was a very short Easter celebration, it probably took about 4 to 5 hours, minus the driving time back and forth. (Short indeed. ^_^) We just ate and played. No Easter egg hunts this year, but there was this family who also had a picnic in the park. They were having an Easter egg hunt for their kids, but all they did was scatter a bunch of those plastic eggs around one space and made them get as much as they can. XP (At least the egg hunts we had before actually involved looking for the eggs! ^_^;;) Yep, that was an interesting site.
When we got home, I decided to start another water balloon fight. (I forgot to bring the water balloons to the park, so I thought, why not just do it right then and there. ^_^;;) That was fun. I couldn't get my dad though. He was hiding behind our car at first, so I can't possibly throw it at him then. (He'd get mad if I hit the car. ^^) No actual wetting of sorts, we never got anyone wet. But it was still fun. ^_^ (And that ends my Easter. Besides having to do homework which I didn't know about until later that night. >_< )
Anyway, I forgot to mention that I finally saw Chrno Crusade. I downloaded a fansub of episode 1 before it was licensed, and I just got around to watching it yesterday. (Man! I missed on a whole lot of great action! >_< ) The story line is awesome, the characters were great, and not to mention the amazing animation and music! (I should've downloaded everything before ADV got to it. *adds to list of regrets* ^_^;;)
Okay, so my sister did something bad today. She closed a download program I'm using! Now everything I planned on downloading is gone, and I have to look for them again! >_< (Great!) Little sisters are just too much at times...
Yeah... well that's everything I can think of for today. ^_^;; Sorry about the whole sibling thing, just had to let it out. Hope you guys had a great weekend! Take care! Have a good day / week! ^_^ Here's the pic!

[1998] Tokyo Jusshyoden! Another random pick... ^_^ The pictures above are characters from the series. I've never heard of this anime, but it looks cool! ^_^ I love the art, much like, I would say, Spiral (Another anime, mystery / detective genre. Nothing linking the two though. ^^;;) I think it's worth looking into. I'll try to find more info on this, 'til then, let's leave it at interesting! ^_^
Thanks for reading! Ja ne!
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Sunday, April 11, 2004
Like my title says, Happy Easter, minna! Have a great one! ^_^
Yesterday was pretty cool. My dad drew a character from a monthly sort-of manga from the Philippines. [It was W.I.T.C.H. for those who know about it. ^_^] It was an awesome fan art! I even asked my dad to draw one of my favorite characters, but he made it look like a caricature. [Yeah, he made the head too big! ^^;;] So that inspired my day to become a little artsy. I drew some stuff, tried to freshen up on some coloring skills [Which I am still not good at], and just had a lot of fun drawing. ^_^ Yep, that was my day, besides coming here that is.
We might go to the park today for Easter. After church we're heading there to eat and just basically enjoy the day. Should be fun! ^_^ But I'll also apologize in advance if I don't make it to sites today. It all depends if we come home early or not. So, sorry for that. I'll try to come here, but if I can't, I'll just catch you guys tomorrow. ^_^
Oh yeah! I just found a very interesting thing on Cartoon Network last night. When I was watching Teen Titans, I saw a glimpse of an anime I miss very much! ^_^ I saw Groove Adventure RAVE!! I hope they show that!! I'm really, really looking forward to it! The dubbing sounds well enough, so I'm hoping for the best. I just wish they didn't edit the series too much or something. I really can't wait for it!! I think they'll show it on the 17th because CN's showing new stuff at that date. Well, that's what I saw on TV. Such anime goodness... ^_^
Well, that's all for today. Again, have a Happy Easter, minna-san!! ^_^ Take care now and have a great day! Here's the pic!

[2001] Groove Adventure RAVE!! This pic is the manga version. I put a pic of the anime version before, so I thought I'd post the other side of the great anime. ^_^ RAVE is such a hilarious anime! Every episode is just funny and thrilling all the same. But that doesn't mean they don't have the drama, the adventure, the everything-in-between! ^_^ It's an amazing show, [I was going to comment on the ending, but that'll just spoil it. ^^], it's definitely worth seeing! Art, animation, and music are all awesome! This is a must-see. ^_^ RAVE-ing over it, but, yeah... [Sorry, couldn't resist the pun. ^_^]
Thanks for reading! Ja ne!
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Saturday, April 10, 2004
I'm out of subjects... ^_^;;
Yay! I finally saw some anime!! ^__^ I had forgotten the joys of watching quality anime, truly, I did. I saw the first 3 episodes of Tokyo Underground last night, well, more like 1 am this morning. ^^ TU's a cool show! And I'm looking forward to seeing more. Rumina-kun looks so cute when he's serious! ^=^
Besides that, not much. I woke up around 10 am this morning to catch Shaman King. Awesome episode and I can't wait for the last part of the epic saga! ^_^;; After that, I just helped with the laundry. Hm, that reminds me... I haven't eaten yet... ^_^;;
What else did I do? Um, that's it I think. I've only been awake for an hour or so. ^^ So, I'll wrap this up now. Take care you guys! Have a great weekend! Here's the pic!

[2002] Tokyo Underground! Ah, I've said it already! This anime is awesome! ^_^ The art is great, animation is excellent, and I very much enjoy the music. Very soothing. The story line hasn't developed much in the first 3 episodes, but I'm expecting a good turn of events. ^_^
Thanks for reading! Ja ne!
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Friday, April 9, 2004
It's Friday!!! ^_^
(*sigh* Stupid computer! I'm actually re-writing this post. The computer shut down right before I finished this post! >_< )
Yep! TGIF!! ^_^ And the funny thing is, I didn't go to school today. Religious observation, as you all know, since it's Good Friday. I had the option to go to school, but my mom insisted we don't so we can go to church later. ^_^
I would've updated sooner, but last night, I fell asleep. We got home from church around 9:30 pm and I guess I just dozed off. ^^;; Sorry if I missed anyone who updated around 7 pm onwards. And I would've updated earlier this morning, but there was something wrong with the computer. I had to make a few calls to my dad before he actually helped me fix it. But I’m glad everything’s okay now. Finally! ^_^
I hate it when I fall asleep quickly. I wanted to watch Witch Hunter Robin and Inuyasha last night. I know they were episodes I’ve seen already, but I miss it. WHR is being re-ran already and CN’s going to show new Inuyasha episodes!! T_T I can’t see them! I've heard that Wolf’s Rain will premier this month, so those of you lucky enough to catch Adult Swim, watch out for that, okay? ^_^
Well, nothing much this morning. Just watched TV since I couldn’t use the computer. But I’m hoping to see some anime, now that it’s the weekend. ^^ Hopefully something will download fast enough…
Okay, that’s all from me today. I know, boring post. Hope you guys had a good day! ^_^ Have a great weekend, too! Take care! Here’s the pic!

[1999] Crest of the Stars! Did I post this already? I'm thinking I did, but I can't remember when... ^_^;; Anyway, it looks awesome! The art is great, the story line seems promising as well. I think I'll look into this. Might be worth it. ^^
Thanks for reading! Ja ne!
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