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chie ^_^
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1996 or 1997
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CCS, Saiyuki, FMA, Naruto, Bleach, KKM, Ouran, Death Note...
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Sunday, January 25, 2004
Fun day at the theme park...
I finally got to use my annual pass, and headed on to Universal Studios for a day of fun! ^^
Well, at first, my cousin and I waited for my sister and my little cousins to get their passes. It took about 20-30 minutes, then we headed to the entrance. It was very exciting for me because it was my first time there. ^^ Well, the first thing we did inside the theme park was eat because we went there around 12 p.m...
After that, we walked around the park a bit, looking for the Tram ride. It was a sort of tour around Universal Studios. I got to see a lot of the sets used on movies. I saw one from Pirates, Back to the Future, The Mummy, Jaws [The beach was really a lake!] and a lot more! It was so cool! ^^ I'll try to post the pics I took of the sets...
I also saw a San Francisco Subway set that underwent an earthquake! The road above the subway was wrecked, a gas tanker fell and started a blaze, and there was a flood! Well, you know, it's all good! ^^ And we went inside this studio... There was some trouble in a city, a helicopter fell on a car, and I saw King Kong! ^^ The tram shook for a while, it was a bit scary, but King Kong's breath smelled of bananas... ^_^
After that, we watched Terminator 2 in 3D, Back to the Future in a little car that moved as if it were all real, then rode on the Jurassic Park ride that was suppose to get me all wet yet it didn't, but it was still cool because when we neared the end of the ride it was like a 10 or so foot drop! ^^ After that, the last thing we did was watch Shrek in 4D! Shrek was awesome! When there were scenes that had a waterfall, or a sneezing donkey, we would get sprayed by water and when there was this scene that had spiders falling, I felt something on my pants, it's as if the spiders were down there! That kind of freaked me out, though... ^^
Well, it was great! I had lots of fun there and I'm thinking of going back soon since I have an annual pass and I can just go inside and go on the rides! ^^ I'm sorry if this was too long. Basically I was at the theme park and having some fun! ^^ Sorry if I didn't post sooner, we went to some place before heading home... How come when I say I'll do something, I end up not doing it, while saying I won't do anything, I end up doing it! I'll get to your sites now! Oh yeah! Thanks for coming to my site and posting comments! ^^
Thanks for reading! Ja ne!
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Saturday, January 24, 2004
I've been saying "Aiya" a lot lately... hehe... I don't know why, but I like it... ^^ Sorry if it's confusing or troublesome though... Well, I don't have much to say... I have a new quizzie up in the manager thing. I started downloading Scrapped Princess, just a matter of time... ^^ Well, all of you have a great weekend, okay? Anyway, I'll save the space for added posts... ^^ I'm off!
Thanks for reading! Ja ne!
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Friday, January 23, 2004
Just watched it! And yep, that says it all!! ^^
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I knew the I think wouldn't work!!!
- This will be short... I swear! -
Well, yeah, I can't hold this post, because I'm doing it as of 7:58 A.M.!!! Can you believe it?!! ^^ I woke up around 7:30 or earlier because my mom and my aunt were so loud! ^^ They were sort of fighting, but the playful, joking around kind of way. Ah! Sorry for this! T_T Well, that's all... this will be short, right? Oh yeah! I'll post a quizzie on my site using the manager thingy... ^^
EDIT: I'm going to watch the Cowboy Bebop Movie today!! ^^ w00t!
Thanks for reading! Ja ne!
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Friday... Sweet Friday...
Yeah... it's officially Friday and I know all of you are going to enjoy this day! ^^
Well, I'm all out of quizzies, but I'll get to them sooner or later because I want to try the little quiz manager thingy! ^^ Adam-san/Mars did a lot of stuff for myO! I've never seen so many updates in, what, less than a month or so? ^^
Anywayz... [Here's a word I haven't used for some time... ^^] I finally got my Saiyuki manga fix, and it rocks big time! ^^ Kazuya Minekura-sensei rocks! ^^ I just love it! They actually used stick figures for one of the long shots! ^^ That was hilarious! The manga is so great, and the anime is so much like it! ^_^
Oh... sorry for that... guess I got too carried away. ^^ Hmm... I can't think of anything more to say. I'm glad today's my last day to fetch my cousin from her school. I don't like waking up late then having to rush anymore... Well, yeah...
So, I hope you guys are enjoying since I know it's the start of the weekends! ^^ Here's the daily pic dosage, yep, I think I'll cut down to one post today... ^^ More emphasis on the "I think"! I better get started on my anime too, I want to watch the rest, but the other episodes are taking too much time to download! Anyway, here you are!

Scrapped Princess, minna! I really want to watch this show!!
Thanks for reading! Ja ne!
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Thursday, January 22, 2004
lol ^_^
I'm glad you guys enjoyed my little quiz... ^^ This will be short again since I don't want to overload this page. Well, done pretty much nothing, but tomorrow's my last day to fetch my cousin from school and I'm glad. That means I don't have to wake up early anymore... ^^ By early, I mean around 1 p.m. ^_^ Well, here's the pics. Hope you guys are doing good! One more day until the weekends! ^^
EDIT: We have a new feature you guys!! A quiz manager!! Oohh! New toy!! ^^ And it's way cool!! ^^

Man... they looks so cute! I'm on a Saiyuki manga craze. I'm so desperate that I downloaded mirc to get it... ^^
Thanks for reading! Ja ne!
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SG wanted to see this, so... there ya go! ^^
 You're an AK-47!! You're a very single-minded person, seeking the most obvious and easiest solutions to life. This may cause a stir, but you can take it. You're tough, no? You're also very simple person, easily entertained and able to survive in the most modest of environments.
What kind of rifle are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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From shizuka-chan:
 Dark shadow. Something has drawn you into darkness in the past, and you're now trying to get out of it. The darkness is already inside you, and getting it out will be hard, but if you try, maybe one day you can be who you want to be again. Don't give in!!!
Please rate ^^
What kind of dark person are you? brought to you by Quizilla
What Kanji word best suits you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You came from the sky. Your a daydreamer and prefer to have a good look on situations.
Where did you come from? brought to you by Quizilla
Felt quizzy... so I just posted those... ^^ I found one called "What kind of rifle are you?" and if you guys like it, I'll post the link or my result... ^_^
Thanks for reading! Ja ne!
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Wednesday, January 21, 2004
Just dropping by...
Well, I don't want to overload my page with posts so this will be a short one...
I just dropped by again to see how everyone's doing. ^^ I haven't done much so no point in telling... well, this is supposed to be short, so here's the pics, and I'll post something interesting tomorrow... ^^

Man! I miss this show!
Thanks for reading! Ja ne!
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I just read CLAMP's new manga, XXX Holic. No, it's not some hentai manga or anything of the sort! It's actually very, very interesting! ^_^
The story's basically about this boy, Watanuki, who stumbles upon a shop, as it was called, meeting two cute little girls and a woman known as Yuuko. They engage in conversation, mostly about how fate brought them together and how it was all a mistake, as Watanuki explains it. Well, he ended up working there after Yuuko tells him that she can grant him a wish, but in exchange for something precious. He declines wanting any sort of involvement with her and her shop, even if she could make his life much better. [Watanuki has a special gift, he can see things that no one else sees... and that gift tormented him while he was growing up.]
Anyway, the story is pretty much like that. If you understood everything I just wrote... ^^ It's getting more interesting, and I can't wait to buy it when it comes out here! ^^ I'm reading the scanlations... Well, I'm off!
Thanks for reading! Ja ne!
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