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chie ^_^
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Sunday, June 27, 2004
Back from camping...
Okay, let's get this over with... ^_^;;
[Friday night:] When we finally got there, it was around midnight, you wouldn't believe how beautiful the sky was! ^.^ It was so amazing! You can clearly see all the stars and the constellations, too. It was magnificent. That's probably one of the major reasons I'd want to live outside the city. =^_^= (I would've taken a picture, if only everyone hadn't forgotten to bring the camera. >_< ) ::I think that's grammatically correct. ^^:: Anyway, moving on...
[Saturday:] I had a lot of fun! ^.^ After a good night's rest, we went down to the lake near the camping site. It was nice there, although I would've done good without the rocks and the cold weather. ^^;; Yep, it was freezing, especially the water! (And it just so happens, I fell in it! ^_^)
After going to the lake, eating lunch, and wasting a fairly long amount of time, we drove to a place called Morro Bay. It took an hour or so to get there, but it was worth it. The place was awesome! ^_^ There was this huge mountain on the other side of the shore, shaped like a dragon as my aunt called it, and the mist at the time made look so realistic. ^^ It was still cold, though, so we didn't get to swim. We just ran around the beach and played. ^_^
When we got home, things started to go downhill for me. (I hated this part of the trip... *sigh*) First of all, the thought that I'm missing Wolf's Rain, Inuyasha, and all the other anime I can get only on a weekend, was sad enough. (But suprisingly, this didn't bother me all that much. ^_^;; You know how I get when I miss Wolf's Rain. Heh. I even came up with so many questions making me feel bad I missed it!) The thing, or rather the person, that really made me upset was my sister. She was so annoying! >.< It would've been a well-enough Satruday, if it hadn't been for her... "childish" attitudes! (*sigh* I won't go into detail anymore. Its over, for now, anyway...)
[Sunday:] *relieved sigh* This day made my weekend so much brighter! ^_^ (Thank goodness for it too!) We started packing up this morning, and left around noon. Of course, I was still grouchy from last night, but at least it died down a bit. ^^;; After 2 hours or so of driving, we stopped by this place called Solvang. It's a city filled with everything from Denmark. ^_^ From food, to clothes, to shoes, everything! It's so adorable! It was such a lovely and peaceful place, that my mom even asked if we wanted to live there. ^_^ Hehe.
Oh, that was the best part of my weekend. I'm glad we stopped by, because if we hadn't, I wouldn't be so cheerful today. ^_^ (I don't like myself when I'm angry. Its actually too much to take.) Heh.
So, there you have it! My weekend, filled with its ups and down, and slight boredom. ^_^;; I hope you guys had an awesome one. *huggles everyone tightly* I missed you all so much!
Okay, take care now! Have a great week ahead! ^.^ Sorry, though, if I made it too long. I understand if you skipped right through it, but thanks to those who read up to here. *hugs and gives them cookies* ^_^ Arigato to those who commented on my last post as well. Hmm, oh yeah, here's the pic! (Almost forgot. ^_^;;)

Aren't they just dreamy? ^///^ Sorry dudes... hehe...
Thanks for reading! Ja ne!
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