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• xxchie22xx
• 1990-07-22
• California
Member Since
• 2003-08-01
• student
Real Name
• chie ^_^
• I can't think of any right now...
Anime Fan Since
• 1996 or 1997
Favorite Anime
• CCS, Saiyuki, FMA, Naruto, Bleach, KKM, Ouran, Death Note...
• I have a lot of them...
• Watching anime, listening to music, drawing, writing, and a bunch of other stuff...
• Hmm....
Monday, September 13, 2004
I just spent the last 3 hours commenting at super speed! O_o Hehe. So, yeah, please excuse the typos or rushy-sounding posts. ^_^;;
Anyway, not much happened at school. I'm still adjusting to all of it, actually. Not much on the bad side either, except for the counselor changing my entire schedule. >_> Great. Just when I was getting used to my classes, she goes and changes all of them. *sarcasm intended* My feelings about that are split in half at the moment. Especially concerning my Spanish and English classes.
My previous Spanish teacher was really nice, and she takes time to let us understand the lesson, but my new teachers is so hard to follow. I mean, he speaks Spanish the whole time! How in the world will I know what he's talking about? >_< English is unsure yet, but the teacher there is my homeroom teacher too, and I think he's a tad bit mean. -_-'' *sigh* Hopefully not, though. I knew having really nice teachers in all of my classes was too good to be true. ~_~
And I guess that's it. ^_^;; My rounds are done for the day, and I'm hoping I got to all of the sites. Okay, well, take care! Have a good week ahead! ^.^ *hugs everyone tightly* Here's the pic!
[EDIT:] HAPPY BIRTHDAY PhoenixClawth!!! ^___^ I hope you had an awesome one!

More gorgeous-eyed bishounens! ^_~
Thanks for reading! Ja ne!
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