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chie ^_^
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1996 or 1997
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CCS, Saiyuki, FMA, Naruto, Bleach, KKM, Ouran, Death Note...
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Saturday, February 12, 2005
Time of post: 10:39 pm of February 11th
^__^;; Ahaha... *bows head* Gomen! Sorry I haven't been around lately. I know I'm not always here on weekdays, but I used to be able to squeeze in some time to post... *sigh* Unfortunately, this semester is about to get even more hectic than it already is. -_-;;
I have a research paper due in... I don't even know when, but the research I have to do for it is due on the 22nd. We were told to make notecards and stuff, so I've been trying to get started on that. I don't think this is a project I can procrastinate on... again, unfortunately. Haha. ^_^;;
Anyway, I shouldn't have bored you with that. I came by to say that I might not be around for, at most, 2 weeks because of this research paper, but I'll try to drop by when I can. ^_^ I really miss you guys! I know I'm almost never around these days, but I've been trying to get my schedule straight so I can at least drop by here once a week.
Thank you so much for the continued support. You guys are just way awesome! ^.^ *hugs everyone tightly* Really, thanks for everything!
Now, I know I have quite a few things to take care of here, so I'll be spending the rest of this Friday night to catch up. ^_^ I still have that intro thing to take care of. Oh yeah, by the way, thanks to those who recently joined in on the choosing thing too!
Um, I really shouldn't have bothered with this, ne? ^_^;; Sorry. I couldn't think of anything else to say. I was just excited to get a chance to sneak in here.
Oh, but I hope it's okay if I blabber on a little about Naruto. ^_^ I am sorry if this is getting long and pointless. *screams* I absolutely love this anime! Since my sister's been hooked on the series for a good week, I think, I've had time to watch it. ^^ The recently released episodes have been very emotional. *remembers Chouji, Neji, Kiba, Shikamaru, and Naruto* Wah! I love these guys! ^.^
Okay, I'm done. ^^;; Sorry about that. Well, I better get started. Take care, you guys! See you in two weeks, or earlier, hopefully! ^_^ I'll miss you all! Have a fantastic weekend and great weeks ahead! *hugs everyone*
Ah! Almost forgot this, here's the February birthday banner. ^_^ I know it's really late, but I hope those who celebrated / will celebrate their birthdays this month had / have a wonderful time!

Also, to the most incredible friends ever, thank you! ^_^ I forgot to say thanks for the 7000th one, but here's for 8000+ hits! *hugs each and everyone tightly* Domo arigatou! I love you guys!

Thanks for reading! Ja ne!
(Post style will be back shortly.)
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