chiharu eniwa lvr
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
It's been a while!
Wow! I've finally found the site again! I lost it for so long! I could not remember my username for the life of me but I searched through old Xanga entries yesterday and found the link. It took me a bit of trouble to get the password back, but I was successful!
I work at Steak n Shake now and I have a boyfriend, the boy that I previously had "boy problems" with.
Hm... I've updated my Manga collection. There's so much of it for me not buying any for a while. I'm making my own money now and it becomes different to spend it at times.
I'm part of Vivace Winterguard! It's an Independent Open winterguard and it makes me happy.
I'll have to put an updated list of Manga up later. I'll also have to change my layout, although, I do like this one. I may leave it up for a while.
Ah! I feel as though I've abandoned this site entirely, but I honestly lost it and didn't care to make a new account.
Anywho, I'm off to visit the rest of the internet now!
Have a nice day!
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Tuesday, November 8, 2005
Hello, all!
You know that boy that I had problems with, well, things are getting better with him. He went out with my friend for a few days and she dumped him and is now going out with one of my other friends. She's not mean like that, there's a lot to the story. I don't mean to make her sound bad. Anyhow... Before they went out, he knew that I liked him. Well, now he's turned his attention to me and claims that he likes me. I believe him, having talked to him about it a bit. He wants to ask me out, but he wants to take his time before he asks me out so that he can be sure of ... Well, I'm not sure. I guess he wants to be sure that I'm who he wants to spend his time with. He's a little bit on the emo side.
Anyhow, I think that he may be asking me out soon. Here's a bit of our conversation from the other day online.
HIM: wut r u doing next monday?
HIM: or this sunday?
ME: What are the dates? The...13th and 14th?
ME: I don't think I'm doing anything.
HIM: kk
HIM: keep them open
HIM: very important
HIM: for u...
HIM: if u still...
HIM: ?
HIM: ?!
ME: If I still what?
HIM: ?
HIM: wut r u talkin bout?
Maybe he's nervous. I don't know what's taking him so long to ask, exactly, but I'm not complaining. I can wait.
Well, that's just a bit of what I have to talk about. If you want to catch up with me a bit, you can go to my other blog and read a bit there. I'm going to try to post on this a bit more, though.
Have a Nice Day!
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Sunday, October 2, 2005
Hello everyone!
Sorry that I haven't updated in a while! A lot has happened since the last time I have updated. Since I really don't feel like going into all the detail I'll tell you some of the important things.
I've gone to three marching band competitions so far this year. The first one was at Farmington High School. Our band won first place there along with all three captions (best drum majors, drumline, and guard) in our division. We beat our random rival Union(they won second). The second competition was at Sullivan High School. There, we won second place and the outstanding general music effect caption in our division. We did not beat our random rival who was, again, Union. They won first. We had the third highest score out of all nineteen bands that performed that day. Yesterday, we went to Washington High School to compete. We won third place in our division with no captions. We beat our random rival Perryville. Union won second this time.
My boy problems have evolved as well. It's become twisted and drama-like. I don't like it too much. If you want to know more about my boy problems go to my other blog. Or you can go there just to get more detail. There's a very interesting thing going on that I like to call the R&D Relay (shionship). You may like to read up on that at my other blog as well.
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Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Wipaiearuioe! TEIEO!
So, I went to the movies with D-MO and Rosemary. Sky High is not a good movie. It's not a completely horrible movie, but it's really not anything I'd like to see a second time if I was looking for a good movie to watch. Anyhow, Teresa found out that I'd gone to the movies with D-MO. The next day she spent most of our conversations asking about the night. I told her that Rosemary went and it was a let down.
-sigh and dreamy look-
He picked me up for the movie in a minivan! I thought it was funny. I must be crazy... The crazy comment has nothing to do with what I was talking about. I'm getting off-track. Oh well!
I have to spend lots of money, but I've got none. Mer... I'll be at school until 9:00PM tomorrow night.
Have a nice day!
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
Okay, so I'll tell you his name now. The boy I like is David, but we'll refer to him as D-Mo.
Anyhow, D-mo asked me to go to a concert with him on tuesday night, but I had practice. I was all excited and now we've become phone buddies. We've talked on the phone every day this week. I have been told that he doesn't normally call people after he promises to, but he's called me almost every time I have talked to him.
Well, tomorrow, I'm going to the movies with him. It's not a "date", according to him, so I'm stuck in the friend zone. Pthf. The Friend Zone is a stressful place.
He also asked me to a Hawethorne Heights Concert. I'm not sure whether I spelled the band's name correctly, but, anyhow, I won't be able to go. I have a football game to perform at that night.
I've heard that Hawethorne Heights is a horrible band from a few of my music-loving friends, but D-Mo swears they're the best thing next to Linkin Park (his favorite band). Blargh.
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Ha ha! That's great! I really don't know. That's the sad part but I'd like it to be true ^_~.
 You have an intense kiss! You and your partner connect when you kiss and you forget about the rest of the world. Hey, call me!!! ^_~
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