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Boardman, Ohio
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Nothing. I don't do much.
Anime Fan Since
My friend Ly told me about it
Favorite Anime
InuYasha, Naruto, Kenshin, Trigun, Umm.... ^.^;;
To get a career in computer enginnering!
Anime, Gaia Online, Video Games
Computers I guess!
Hey everyone! What's up? I'm so glad you managed to take your time to check out my site. But, you probably just hit random member, right? Either way, you have entered the land that I am happy to call my own! Enjoy your stay here, and don't forget to sign my guestbook on your way out. All people have at least some decency, don't they? All I'm doing is rambling and thats something I'm good at so I better shut up. People will hate me if I talk a lot. Oh yeah! After you are done looking at mine, why don't you stop by my friends sites? I'm sure they would really appreciate it! Have fun now! Oh yeah! Don't get lost. Heh. We wouldn't want that now would we? Then again, you might be at my site longer. And that's a good thing!
Go visit my friend's sites and sign their guestbooks please. I'm sure they would really appreciate it! Especially visit my friends Dragonfaery Yume and MrsTaraYuyMaxwell! They're good friends from school! Thank you! Who knows, maybe they'll sign your guestbook too!
Thursday, November 3, 2005
What the hell!? A whole YEAR!?
I haven't been on for a whole entire year! I'm so sorry my friends! It's been far too long. From now on, I promise to be on as often as I can. As of my next post, which will be tomorrow, I shall continue my legacy of greatness on myOtaku! Muahahaha. Er, yeah. Later.
Chiimaru out...
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Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Holy Crap! I've been busy!
I'm so sorry I haven't been on! School started not so long ago and homework has been killing me! XP Then to make things worse, my account on Gaia Online was hacked, twice XD So now I can't get on Gaia no more. There is a hacker in my computer. Woohoo. Now I just might get porn through my e-mail. I most definitely hope not! Like I said, I've been busy busy. I haven't been on this for over a month. I can't believe it. How time flies ^^; I went to school today and the second I got there, my hair was messed up by my friend. Bad hair day all day. XP Then my teacher, Mrs. Anderson (who I think is on narcotics), made us watch this gay science fiction video. I usually like science fiction and videos but holy crap, what a boring movie. Whoa, I'm rambling. And I better get back to homework! Au Revoir! XP
Chiimaru out...
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Wednesday, August 4, 2004
Sorry I Haven't Been On Again...
Once again I failed to remember to update my site. I feel so pathetic. Lately I've been playing a new game. Tales of Symphonia for the Gamecube! It's the best rpg I've played in a long time! In a matter of fact, I have some screenshots if you haven't heard of it. If you haven't heard of it, get out of your imaginary shell and get a Nintendo Power! And hey, you get a free t-shirt for subscribing! Heh.

This game has over 80 hours of game time! If you are an rpg fan, and you have the gamecube, I suggest you purchase this right away! It's about The Chosen, Colette Brunel, to regenerate the world. There are two worlds. Sylvarant and Tethe'alla. If one world has a lot of mana, the other has less. And when the world has no mana, everything dies. Lloyd Irving, the hero of the game, accompanies Colette and brings his friend Genis to stop the fighting between the worlds and regenerate the world. Your enemies in this game are the Desians, the Renegades, and Cruxis, a clan of angels.
Also I have been playing Phantasy Star Online, but I can't get my character to look good! XD I keep creating and deleting. It's pissing me off...Well, this post is longer then ever so I better go! See ya laterz!
Chiimaru out...
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 Kiss?! You'll kill the one who even thinks of kissing you! The only physical contact you have is when you're beating someone up!
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Silent, strong, and very very very deadly. This is one bad mofo, and you don't wanna piss him off. He lives in a constant nightmare, and is extremely lonely.
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