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Boardman, Ohio
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Nothing. I don't do much.
Anime Fan Since
My friend Ly told me about it
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InuYasha, Naruto, Kenshin, Trigun, Umm.... ^.^;;
To get a career in computer enginnering!
Anime, Gaia Online, Video Games
Computers I guess!
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Thursday, July 8, 2004
I. Am. Bored.
Hello everyone. Um... I guess I forgot to update again ^^; I truly am very sorry. I guess I just get caught up on other...things. Anyway, I went to the bike trail today. After riding for an hour, my bum hurts. I also went to Dairy Queen! Ice cream good. Yummy! ^^

And now, all said and done, I better get back to Gaia Online. I swear that is one of the greatest sites I've been to since...ever. So, I guess I am going to be going now! See ya!
Chiimaru out...
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Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Sorry I Haven't Updated!
Hey everyone! I'm sorry I haven't been on lately! I've been on Gaia Online and talking to KyatheBattousai. So, it's not that I don't want to update, it's just that I was real busy. My grandparents have been here and all that and I guess I just forgot all about it. Oh well mistakes happen.

Let's see. Today I was lazy like normal, except this time I actually went outside and rode my bike! Oh my god! It's a miracle! I never ever go outside. Maybe it's just because I've been totally bored these last few days. Well, I'm not gonna waste my time killing my fingers here so I got to go! See ya!
Chiimaru out...
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Tuesday, June 22, 2004
I Have 300 Visits!!
I wanted to thank everyone who visited my site and made this possible! My popularity is quite high and soon to be in the top 500! Many thanks to Blue Hawk, Yami Loni, Dragonfaery Yume, and KyatheBattousai for all your help!

Well, today I went out shopping with my family so I am planning on relaxing for the rest of the day! My family has been coming over to see my grandparents, so I haven't been allowed on the computer lately! Well, I got to go! See ya!
Chiimaru out...
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Sunday, June 20, 2004
Hey Everyone!!
I wasn't on yesterday because I was visiting my mother. The bad part is three people at my mom's house smokes! Bad for me, if I do say! And then I got home real late so I didn't plan on posting! I missed you all! But I'm back know, and that's all that matters! Admit it, you missed me, too!

Today is Father's Day and my family is celebrating it at this very minute! My grandma and grandpa came up from Kentucky and my sister, Theresa, and my brother-in-law, John, came over too! I have a nephew named Alex. And I'm 14. Sorta awkward, but he's a cute kid! Well, I got to go! Later!
Chiimaru out...
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Friday, June 18, 2004
Go To Gaia Online!!
My friend showed me the site so I would like to tell you about the it! It's called Gaia Online! It's an anime role playing site, sorta like Final Fantasy! Here's the link! Well, I used to have the link. Just go to When you join, if you join, when the site asks you who sent you, just put in Chiimaru ok? That would help a lot! Hope you have fun!
Chiimaru out...
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Thursday, June 17, 2004
Visit KyatheBattousai!
Hey everyone! One of my best friends online sent some people to come and visit my site! So I want some of you to visit her site and sign her guestbook if you can please!
Today I woke up at 1:00 as usual and ran right downstairs so I could get online! I'm getting adicted to AIM. Hey, it's not my fault, I just like it so much. It's fun to talk to everyone online!

I put this picture up as a dedication to KyatheBattousai. Her favorite character is Kenshin so, here it is! Enjoy Kya! Well I got to go!
Chiimaru out...
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Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Yet Another Day!
I'm not in the mood to do anything today except for sitting at the computer. The only other thing I'm going to do is sleep! So you will probably see me at the computer most of the day!

For some reason I am very tired today. I slept in till noon and I'm still very tired. Maybe it's because I stayed up until 1:00 in the morning. Well, I guess I don't talk much but, I'm going to try and make my posts a bit longer starting tomorrow! See ya later!
Chiimaru out...
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Tuesday, June 15, 2004
Great Day!
Today I woke up and went over to my friend's house! I got to swim in her pool and play the gamecube with her and some of my other friends!

I got home from my friend's house and I delivered my newspapers as usual. Then I got home and waited to leave for my music lessons. I play the trumpet by the way. When I got home I put on the lamest movie ever called, In America. It sucked. It could've been better! And now, here I am! Well, I hope you all had a good day and I'll see you around!
Chiimaru out...
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Monday, June 14, 2004
Happy Day
Today was a boring day but a fun day! I layed around and signed some guestbooks! I helped my friend on her site! Her name is ringmaster! Why don't you visit? For some reason though, you can't sign her guestbook.

I went to the orthodontist this morning and got my retainer adjusted. I hate retainers. They are so annoying. Then I went to McDonalds. Their service sucks but their food is great! I got home and fell asleep. Then I looked for midis to put on my site. I finally came up with Juste Belmont's Theme from Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance. I've been stuck on that game forever!
Now that I think of it, I'm starving. I better go get something to eat, like some Oreos or something. Well I'm going to go now! Ja ne!
Chiimaru out...
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Sunday, June 13, 2004
Cool Day!
I have an awesome friend that I just met a few days ago named KyatheBattousai. Her AIM is AnimeGirlKaoru88! She is so kind to me, that we've became best friends online. We both like the same things so we are real good friends! Visit her site! She is real nice! *hugs AnimeGirlKaoru doll* See ya!
Chiimaru out...
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